Seeing Beauty in the Creation - 180007

Episode 7 October 12, 2020 00:28:15
Seeing Beauty in the Creation - 180007
The Creator Revealed
Seeing Beauty in the Creation - 180007

Oct 12 2020 | 00:28:15


Show Notes

For a Bible-believing Christian, nature is filled with beauty. We know in the depths of our hearts that the tragedy of sin has terribly damaged God’s creation, yet it still reveals breathtaking beauty everywhere we look. What does this tell us about the Creator? How does the artist Nathan Green respond to what he sees and paints from nature?

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Episode Transcript

0:05 [Music] 0:31 welcome to the creator revealed I'm Tim 0:35 Standish and I'm a scientist but like 0:38 most scientists and perhaps surprisingly 0:41 in some people's minds I love beautiful 0:45 things you know I'm Shelly Quinn we just 0:51 want to thank you so much for joining us 0:53 I believe you will really enjoyed this 0:56 particular presentation we are talking 0:59 in this series about how God's 1:04 attributes are revealed in the invisible 1:08 things that he created even his power 1:10 and his Godhead and today we've got a 1:13 special presentation there we go and in 1:16 fact we're going to talk about visible 1:17 things today his attributes you can see 1:21 them in the creation one of the things 1:23 that I love about the Bible is the 1:27 encouragement that it gives us to look 1:30 for beauty in the creation and probably 1:34 one of the best known and most 1:36 encouraging texts about that was written 1:39 by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:11 he wrote 1:42 he this is God has made everything 1:45 beautiful in its time also he has put 1:49 eternity in their hearts except that no 1:52 one can find out the work that God does 1:55 from beginning to end in that last bit 1:59 used to confuse me quite a bit we can't 2:03 we can't figure it out no this is 2:05 wonderful news 2:07 the more you look the more you discover 2:10 and God who is infinite apparently has 2:15 created something that is going to be 2:20 infinitely interesting to us we're not 2:22 going to get to heaven and after a 2:23 billion years think oh I've got that all 2:25 worked out there's nothing nothing new 2:28 to do I wish that it was all over us I 2:31 think now I'm bored not at all it simply 2:34 gets more and more wonderful as does he 2:39 you know the more I get to know about 2:40 God the more you realize how little 2:43 you know about God in his character so 2:45 multifaceted as his creation is he's an 2:49 incredible I mean he is the lover of our 2:53 souls but it's incredible to even 2:57 consider the wonder of it all 2:59 yes and it's to me it's not humiliating Michelangelos Moses 3:02 it's encouraging and we never quite have 3:05 it all figured out there's always more 3:07 more wonderful things so I want to 3:11 actually start out by looking at a work 3:13 of art okay a beautiful work of art this 3:16 is Moses and I chose him because well 3:20 he's the one who wrote Genesis he's the 3:25 one who who wrote those immortal words 3:28 in the beginning God created the heavens 3:32 and the earth this is obviously a work 3:36 of art the real Moses Michelangelo right 3:39 and when you look at this it's not 3:45 really Moses obviously Michelangelo 3:47 never didn't have Moses there to sort of 3:50 model his sculpture off this is the 3:54 artist's conception of what Moses might 3:58 have looked like now I have a question 4:00 yes either he has hair like mine what is 4:06 on top of his head 4:07 you know that is something that has been 4:09 a mystery to me can you see those things 4:11 yes they look like they look like horns 4:13 and I wondered and wondered and wondered 4:17 for years about that ask many artists 4:19 that I knew what's going on with those 4:21 horns on Moses head I didn't think 4:24 anyone knows but I have heard a theory 4:27 that makes a reasonable amount of sense 4:30 and the theory is this that when Moses 4:34 came down after getting the Ten 4:37 Commandments and being with God his face 4:41 Sean and the people couldn't look at him 4:43 in the Latin translation of the Bible 4:48 apparently that was mistranslated in 4:52 some way the beams of light came out as 4:55 horns of light 4:57 and so this actually tells us something 5:00 about Michelangelo he was probably 5:02 looking at the Latin Vulgate we call it 5:05 though the Bible in Latin and he read 5:08 that and he was trying to be true to 5:10 Scripture and that's why we have the 5:12 horns one Moses head so then we have an 5:15 illustration of how a work of art tells 5:17 you something gives you some sort of 5:19 insight into the artist whoever that 5:23 artist might be now I want you to Charles Darwin 5:26 consider this wonderful view that we 5:28 read about it that the Bible gives us of 5:30 of nature and everything a God has made 5:34 everything beautiful and I want you to 5:37 compare it with this very solemn 5:38 statement really sobering statement that 5:41 Charles Darwin made in his autobiography 5:44 this is what he was writing when he was 5:45 an old man and he said formally pictures 5:48 gave me considerable and music very 5:50 great delight but now for many years I 5:54 cannot in do it to read a line of poetry 5:58 I've tried lately to read Shakespeare 6:00 and found it so intolerably dull that it 6:02 nauseated me I've also almost lost my 6:05 taste for pictures or music I retained 6:07 some for fine scenery but it does not 6:09 cause me the exquisite delight which it 6:12 formerly did Wow half telling is that 6:16 what happened to this man hell hell 6:19 awful to think that a person could go 6:22 from loving music loving art loving 6:26 nature the beauty the wonder that is out 6:29 there how can that be lost but don't you 6:32 think that your your mindset your 6:34 perspective on things if you have a 6:36 negative mindset and you're always 6:38 looking for what's wrong 6:40 suddenly everything exactly exactly and 6:45 that's that is the horror really one of 6:47 the most terrible things about the view 6:50 of life that Darwin has passed down to 6:54 people it takes away the beauty he wrote 6:57 this in a letter he said what a book a 6:59 devil's chaplain might write on the 7:02 clumsy wasteful blundering low and 7:04 horribly cruel works of nature Darwin 7:09 obsessed about these things and of 7:11 course as Christians we don't deny we 7:13 don't deny that nature is broken and of 7:18 course the Bible gives us an explanation 7:20 for what's going on it also gives us 7:23 hope yeah the this but in notice in this 7:28 there is a premise in what Darwin is 7:29 saying and that premise is hey this 7:34 seems wrong to me and yet within his 7:38 theory it's the way it should be 7:40 the everything should be in a state of 7:43 struggle and things shouldn't be perfect 7:46 they should be broken and the things the 7:49 more broken things should be eliminated 7:51 by those two statements there it's it's 7:54 like so contradictory exactly it's like 7:56 a logical tension that you find in much 8:00 of what Darwin writes because we know 8:02 that the cruel things we see in nature 8:06 the broken things there's something 8:08 wrong there there's something wrong we 8:11 know that in in the core of our soul 8:14 ironically ironically Darwin was saying 8:17 that's what made us what we are today 8:19 Wow but what it took from him what is 8:23 sapped from from him I want us to look 8:27 at a few natural things just sometimes Butterflies 8:29 it's okay to just step back and say what 8:33 is there what's there so this is a 8:36 butterfly you'll notice that I like 8:39 taking pictures of butterflies and thing 8:40 I mean I everywhere you look you know if 8:44 you have this biblical if you everywhere 8:46 you look there's something beautiful and 8:48 wonderful and in in unexpected places 8:51 this is this is a the eye of a of a 8:55 butterfly this is what's called a 8:56 scanning electron micrograph so it's not 8:58 in color but I love the geometry that's 9:01 in there look at that each of those is a 9:02 little facet of its eye there was a 9:06 honeycomb it here's what that that 9:08 hexagonal shape shows up in multiple 9:11 places in nature but it's just kind of 9:14 beautiful and interesting and oh this 9:17 this shocked me you different 9:20 butterflies lay different 9:22 kinds of eggs different patterns on the 9:25 surface I would never have notices but I 9:28 happened to be working on a film and we 9:32 wanted some pictures of butterfly eggs 9:34 so we got some butterfly eggs and put 9:35 them under the electron microscope and 9:37 each one is different each one is just 9:41 fascinating and and but it's not just 9:44 the eggs it's not just the tiny things 9:46 when you zoom back and you look at a 9:47 bunch of butterflies together now these 9:49 are monarch butterflies and this 9:53 particular group of monarch butterflies 9:56 actually meets during the winter on the 9:58 coast of California and that's where 10:01 they spend the winter they're smart 10:02 they're some humans do that as well you 10:04 know I didn't realize how many 10:06 butterflies we had in the area until we 10:08 planted three butterfly bushes oh 10:11 they're back Nick and now we have 10:13 butterflies 10:14 everywhere they love those bushes 10:16 diversity the beauty of them so much but 10:20 it's not just the animals it's it's 10:23 everything in nature why is it that 10:25 every sunset is a masterpiece 10:28 any time you can see a sunset it's just 10:31 just wonderful and God God why did God 10:37 have to make it so beautiful why did he 10:39 give us senses to appreciate this and 10:42 minds that praise him as a result or you 10:47 know sometimes could have made 10:48 everything monochrome we vision with 10:52 color just the abundance of everything 10:55 sometimes sometimes I go hiking up in 10:57 the Sierra Nevada mountains and again 11:00 every way you look there is this beauty 11:02 you could spend all day just looking at 11:05 one scene up there and never get bored 11:09 with it it's it's tremendous and if you 11:11 go out to the universe 11:13 it's fabulous out there this is just one 11:16 galaxy and there are billions of these 11:18 things out there and every one of them 11:20 is different 11:21 I would love to head Charles Darwin meet 11:25 you you know the sad reality is once you 11:30 embrace this philosophy you're in 11:32 trouble the dirt the idea 11:35 without a God the beauty is gone it's 11:39 gone it's it's all about utility and 11:43 does it work and I don't think it works 11:45 so therefore it's bad and and in reality 11:48 the more we look the more beautiful and 11:51 wonderful it is 11:51 I love these bird of paradise flowers Flowers 11:54 but we could have done endless flowers 11:56 and you look inside some flowers and you 11:58 find things like this this bee and you 12:00 might have picked up that I like bees 12:02 it's all wonderful it's all it's all 12:06 just fabulous and and these little birds 12:09 it's little birds that fascinate me big 12:12 birds are wonderful as well but the 12:14 little birds we don't notice and they 12:16 all look like those little brown things 12:17 we don't stop to really look at them and 12:20 just the sparkle in its eye and wow wow 12:24 this one here oh you know it doesn't 12:27 look like it's singing God's praises 12:29 yeah singing there Jesus encouraged us 12:35 to look at nature and see the beauty 12:37 that see he said why do you worry about 12:39 clothing consider the lilies of the 12:41 field how they grow they neither toil 12:43 nor spin yet I say to you that even 12:47 Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed 12:49 like one of these now if God so clothes 12:52 the grass of the field which today is 12:55 and tomorrow is thrown into the oven 12:56 will he not much more clothe you oh you 13:00 of little faith you know God he wants us 13:04 to to look at the beauty out there and 13:08 what does that beauty tell us well it 13:10 tells us about God's flawless aesthetic 13:13 taste God is an artist and if he cares 13:19 about that he cares about you and you 13:22 know when you look at a newborn baby and 13:26 how perfect they are and consider all 13:28 the little parts that that how they were 13:31 knit together in the womb you see that 13:34 God is a God that his creative ability 13:39 goes beyond anything you and I could 13:41 fathom and when we have the hope and the 13:44 joy of the Lord I think it opens our 13:46 eyes to see all of these exact 13:49 in poor Darwin had neither so all he saw 13:52 was the negative well we are going to 13:56 take a quick break but we want you to 13:58 stay tuned because in our second segment 14:00 we have a special guest who's going to 14:03 given life application of this 14:08 [Music] Nathan Green 14:13 welcome back to the Creator revealed if 14:15 beauty is in the eye of the beholder it 14:18 is certain that our next guest sees the 14:22 beauty of God's creation and expresses 14:26 it ever so well I would have to agree 14:29 with you Nathan green is really one of 14:32 the premier Christian artists of our age 14:38 and if you have an image in your head of 14:41 what Jesus looks like it could well have 14:46 been painted by Nathan green so we're 14:48 delighted to to to have him with us 14:51 lately and I'm hoping that we're going 14:54 to be able to see oh yes in fact we can 14:56 see some of these paintings that you've 14:58 been working on welcome Nathan so we've 15:05 been talking about the beauty that's 15:08 that's present there in the creation and 15:10 the encouragement that the Bible 15:12 actually gives us and the obviously the 15:15 biblical worldview to actually see that 15:17 beauty and and gain joy from it but what 15:25 I'd like to ask you is as an artist you 15:29 know somebody who really appreciates 15:30 beauty and and produces beautiful things 15:33 yourself how is it that the creation 15:37 inspires the work that you do well you 15:42 know when you think about an artist's 15:44 study a lot of the same things that 15:46 scientists study chemists assist 15:49 mathematicians they study things like 15:51 symmetry and harmony and perspective and 15:55 proportion and economy of design the 15:58 Easter all things that artists study as 16:00 well and for me in particular as a 16:03 Christian artist I look at nature and I 16:06 see all these things I don't I'm not a 16:08 mathematician I don't necessarily define 16:11 that to study things internally 16:13 equations and numbers but I see cemetry 16:16 and harmony and balance in nature and so 16:19 it's evident to me that there was a 16:21 designer 16:22 master artisan ball groans yes well I I The Creation Series 16:29 have to admit that I'm fascinated by 16:31 these these paintings that you have up 16:34 behind you and I'm wondering if you can 16:38 tell us a little bit about them I see 16:40 that there's one that looks fairly 16:41 complete that would be over your right 16:44 shoulder so tell us that is this a 16:48 series that you're working on no what 16:51 were those coming from well my agent and 16:55 our clients are art patrons who prefers 16:58 to remain anonymous they came up with 17:00 the idea of creating a new series of 17:02 paintings depicting the seven days the 17:04 seven literal days of creation from the 17:06 book of Genesis I'm almost done with the 17:09 project the pain you see over my right 17:11 shoulder is day one of the creation 17:14 series okay so this would be let it be 17:16 light then yes let there be light and 17:19 the Spirit of God hovered over the 17:22 waters and so you see Christ the Creator 17:25 standing really floating over the waters 17:28 that were on the earth and you might 17:30 notice in the background there are many 17:32 equations representing the laws of 17:35 nature which and other designs and 17:38 things that God which really got in mind 17:40 is I think I might see I think I might 17:42 be able to see some DNA in there am i 17:43 right there is definitely their DNA 17:48 photosynthesis there's many equations 17:51 like Maxwell's equations and science x 17:53 field theorems and y equals MC square 17:56 there's the golden mean this ratio that 17:59 is found often in nature and many things 18:03 that thought to be kind of an ideal 18:06 proportion found in things like the 18:08 nautilus shell the rose petals the way 18:11 they're aligned on a roads are lined up 18:15 according to that ratio even it's even 18:18 thought that that ratio appears in the 18:20 human form of human fate and something 18:23 that artists have been aware of for a 18:25 long time you know one of the things Artists vs Scientists 18:27 that I like about artists and I have a 18:30 number of friends who are artists is it 18:32 is really a point that you raised which 18:35 is 18:36 artists are trained to be observers and 18:40 scientists are trained to be observers 18:44 and and yet we really are coming at 18:49 things from very very different angles 18:54 what I would be interested in is how you 19:00 think the the art that you do would be 19:05 different if you didn't believe the 19:07 Bible if you didn't believe that in the 19:10 creation that's there what would things 19:13 be different would you be choosing 19:15 different subjects painting in a 19:16 different style are not believers they 19:27 often find the greatest enjoyment I 19:30 think in painting landscapes and 19:32 wildlife and things that are nature 19:35 there are reflections what God has 19:37 created I think people you know the idea 19:41 would be for everybody to have faith and 19:43 confidence that there is a creative and 19:46 a designer for the world around us but 19:48 even people who don't believe that seem 19:49 to see and appreciate the beauty that is 19:51 there but I think because I was born and 19:56 raised in the Christian home and 19:57 recognize the importance of this I see a 20:00 creator and everything around us and I 20:03 believe that the beauty and design and 20:05 all the laws of nature which are also 20:09 reflecting beautiful design are evidence 20:12 of God as the master artist and that's 20:14 the master designer of our world I The Creator Revealed 20:19 I'm looking now at the at the painting 20:23 that's immediately behind you and I can 20:25 see that that one's not complete yet but 20:27 it looks to me like you're actually 20:29 depicting God I'm guessing creating Adam 20:36 shaping Adam actually actually working 20:39 as a essentially a sculptor in yes it's 20:47 the last when I had 20:48 day 7 for finishing day sex so this is 20:52 my last one and this depicts Christ as a 20:55 creator for me Adam from the ground and 20:58 there'll be a glow over Adam almost like 21:01 a supernatural glow and it was plan D of 21:07 the most mammals were created and 21:10 several days after all botanical life 21:12 was created so this is kind of a 21:14 flourishing Eden ik environment where 21:17 Adam was first created you know Nathan 21:22 there's undeniable beauty and symmetry 21:25 in God's creation and I see it 21:28 everywhere but I wished I could look 21:30 through your eyes I'm always so 21:32 interested in a composition of your 21:35 artwork it's beautiful God's giving you 21:38 a true gift one of the one of the things 21:42 that I do see in that particular 21:43 painting and it jumps out at me as a as 21:45 a biologist is that Tiger down there you 21:50 I grew up in particularly during the 21:53 time that I was a child in Malaysia if 21:56 there was one thing I was taught to fear 21:58 it would be Tigers you know you didn't 22:01 go wandering off into the jungle for 22:03 some reason rather Cobras were ok but 22:06 those Tigers could really get you 22:11 so tell me a tell me a little bit about 22:14 your thinking and including this 22:16 interesting collection of animals along 22:22 with God creating the human being yes 22:28 [Music] 22:35 the tiger is especially amazing to me I 22:40 mean we have house cats that are a 22:41 little hint of what a tiger is but just 22:44 the thought of such a massive animal and 22:46 the fact that they are becoming more and 22:49 more endangered it's the reason why I 22:52 wanted to show one of the original 22:55 Tigers in my painting here but also a 22:57 variety of life 22:59 and not just North American but from 23:01 other continents got an elephant I've 23:04 got any what I'm calling a gazelle I'm 23:06 not coming out from Africa I'm not sure 23:08 exactly what species but I gave it a 23:10 name gizelle with gizelle by the way the 23:15 tiger reappears in day 7 as well I guess 23:19 it's just the tiger fell in love with 23:24 you know when I was a when I was a 23:27 little boy I had a pet monkey my mother 23:30 didn't think much of that pet I'm afraid 23:34 but he was fantastic and but I have to 23:38 admit I have to admit that there was a 23:45 desire and a fear when it came to to the 23:50 Thais I would love to have a pet this is 23:56 one of the truly beautiful things and 23:58 I'm sorry we can't be showing the tiger 24:00 right now because we are having some 24:02 Skype issues this is what technology 24:05 this is what technology does yeah oh 24:08 isn't that wonderful this this would be 24:10 day five I think that the thing that 24:14 that that kind of strikes me at an 24:19 emotional level with these paintings is 24:22 in fact seeing that's the Sabbath there 24:27 that's it is seeing these beautiful 24:32 creatures that unfortunately in in the 24:38 current world are problematic really 24:42 problematic yeah so I can I can still 24:44 hear Nathan unfortunately we can't see 24:46 him anymore but I want to thank you so 24:48 much for sharing your art with us and 24:50 with the rest of the world Nathan and 24:53 it's greatly appreciated thank you 24:58 Thank You Nathan so much I have a 25:00 beautiful picture everyone always tells 25:03 me that I have the heart of Mary I love 25:05 to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn 25:07 but I live in a Martha world so Nathan 25:12 did 25:12 beautiful picture Jesus Mary and Martha 25:15 Mary sitting at his feet Martha's 25:17 rattling the pots and pans and I feel 25:20 like a blend of the two you know I see 25:22 these sorts of things that I wonder 25:24 whether I haven't done something wrong 25:25 with my life maybe maybe I should have 25:28 succumbed to that temptation to be an 25:30 art major in college but there is so 25:33 much beauty out there so much so much 25:36 that really glorifies God and it's 25:40 fabulous to see artists sort of 25:44 worshipping God through the work that 25:47 they do can you do that with your 25:49 photography with my photography but also 25:51 I like to imagine with the work that I 25:54 do in general you know every one of us 25:57 no matter what it is that we do in life 25:58 each one of us is called to worship the 26:04 Creator and that's not something that we 26:06 do just when we're in church that's 26:09 something that we can do in our everyday 26:10 lives as we share the Creator with 26:14 others and I just want to encourage you 26:17 that would become next Sabbath go out 26:21 into God's creation after church and 26:23 look at what the Lord has done for us 26:27 worship the Creator 26:31 [Music] 26:53 you

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