Believing the Bible and Believing Science - 180012

Episode 12 November 15, 2020 00:28:45
Believing the Bible and Believing Science - 180012
The Creator Revealed
Believing the Bible and Believing Science - 180012

Nov 15 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

There is a myth that has been repeated over and over again, yet no amount of repetition can make it true. It says that Christians live in a world of faith that somehow denies reality and that science is only about reality. According to these twin falsehoods, Christians must put aside their faith to be scientists and science has ultimate authority when it comes to the truth about our world and our origin. Join us as we discover why many of the greatest scientists, both past and living, have been led by their Christian faith to be scientists.

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0:01 [Music] 0:30 welcome to the creator revealed my 0:33 name's Tim Standish and I'm a scientist 0:36 one of the major questions that gets 0:40 raised with me on a regular basis is how 0:46 can you be a scientist and believe the 0:49 Bible what's what's going on there and 0:52 that is what we are going to examine a 0:55 little bit in this particular episode of 0:58 the Creator revealed well I'm Shelly 1:01 Quinn and we are so glad that you are 1:04 joining us and it is wonderful to be 1:07 with someone who has so much education 1:10 and experience in science and yet who is 1:14 a bible-believing six day creationist so 1:20 we look forward to this episode you know 1:24 sometimes I respond to that question 1:26 with well why wouldn't I believe the 1:31 Bible the Bible is a book about reality 1:34 and as a scientist 1:35 hey reality that's what I am interested 1:39 in you know I just want to comment on 1:41 that because so many people don't see 1:42 the reality of it all but there is you 1:46 know when you look at the internal 1:48 evidence the as far as its the 1:52 cohesiveness of the story when you look 1:54 at the external evidence when you look 1:57 at the the Dead Sea Scrolls when you 1:59 look at what the archaeologists are 2:02 uncovering that continually prove 2:04 there's so much that proves that that 2:07 the Bible is real well yes you know the 2:11 Bible presents itself as a book about 2:14 reality and a record of history and when 2:18 we took when we talk about the creation 2:20 account that's given there it is laid 2:23 out just like the rest of the history in 2:26 the Bible and as you pointed out the 2:29 science of archaeology has certainly 2:33 presented us with pretty amazing 2:36 evidence the that history is 2:40 is very very reliable and there's more 2:46 than that this history that's given in 2:48 Scripture is it is hopeful history it's 2:53 it's it it's it's not history that you 2:57 wouldn't want to believe it's it's not 2:58 gloom and doom or something it's not 3:01 saying we're all going to die and 3:02 that'll be the end or anything like that 3:04 there is this beautiful history that's 3:06 laid out the past the present and the 3:09 future that's there but it's not a kind 3:13 of airy-fairy theological book really 3:17 even though III tend to think about it 3:19 that way no it's about the facts it's 3:22 about what people saw happen it's a 3:23 record of God's action throughout 3:27 history you can certainly think about it 3:29 that way and by the way I would 3:31 certainly be happy to believe other 3:35 historical sources for example if I went 3:37 to Egypt and there was a pyramid with 3:39 something that said I the Pharaoh who 3:41 built this did these great things I'd 3:44 tend to believe that well why would I 3:46 treat the Bible has a less reliable 3:49 historical resource than some Pharaoh 3:51 bragging about himself 3:52 well let's launch into this and I want 3:55 to start to illustrate this point with 3:57 first John one through three let's just 4:00 look at what's being said here by the 4:02 Apostle John he says that's that which 4:05 was from the beginning which we have 4:07 heard which we have seen with our eyes 4:09 which we have looked upon with our hands 4:13 oh sorry looked upon and our hands have 4:15 handled concerning the word of life the 4:18 life was manifested and we have seen and 4:21 bear witness and declare to you that 4:24 eternal life which was with the father 4:26 and was manifested to us that which we 4:30 have seen and heard we declare to you 4:34 that you also may have fellowship with 4:36 us and truly our Fellowship is with the 4:39 father and with his son Jesus Christ 4:42 I realize account science is about 4:46 empirical evidence or empirical data 4:49 stuff that has been observed with our 4:51 senses what we have seen 4:54 we have heard science is built off that 4:58 foundation the Bible is built off 5:01 exactly the same foundation people say 5:05 the Bible isn't a book of science well 5:07 why isn't it 5:08 it's about empirical observation and 5:11 certainly that is true when it comes to 5:13 the case of the the situation with Jesus 5:16 Christ and the resurrection and so on 5:17 I've highlighted these different words 5:21 on the screen here all these words that 5:24 have to do with our empirical senses 5:28 yeah John is really into this I John saw 5:32 things yeah in Revelation he's that's 5:36 the Bible now I I want to point out that 5:41 not all belief systems are like this and 5:44 I want to be careful about it this is 5:46 not to put other belief systems down I'm 5:50 just saying 5:51 other belief systems are built off a 5:53 different understanding of reality so I 5:57 want to give you this example from the 6:00 Hindu faith this is in one of the 6:05 important books for Hindus it says just 6:08 as the world and its creation mere 6:14 appearances a moment and an epoch are 6:18 also imaginary not real you see in this 6:23 particular view of things what we take 6:25 in through our senses is an illusion 6:27 mm-hmm but in the Christian faith we say 6:31 no no no no no what we take in through 6:33 our senses is a reliable that's reliable 6:40 information about the world in which we 6:43 live very very different things can you 6:46 see why it is that science was built off 6:53 this kind of foundational understanding 6:57 that Christians have I don't want to say 7:00 that because people were Christians they 7:01 became scientists but certainly 7:03 Christianity provides that metaphysical 7:07 foundation that is necessary evidence 7:12 yes so here's an example 7:15 Francis Bacon is one of the founders of 7:19 modern science and he wrote this he said 7:21 to conclude therefore let no man out of 7:25 weak conceit of sobriety or an ill 7:29 applied moderation think or maintain 7:32 that a man can search too far or be too 7:35 well studied in the book of God's Word 7:37 or in the book of God's works divinity 7:43 or philosophy but rather let men 7:48 endeavor an endless progress or 7:51 proficient in both no this is Old 7:56 English isn't it yeah Francis Bacon 7:58 lived hundreds of years ago but he laid 8:00 out this philosophical foundation that 8:03 sort of moved in the direction then of 8:05 the way we understand science today you 8:08 can see he is not discounting the Bible 8:11 or the creation the the nature itself 8:17 he's saying hey these things go together 8:19 in some way and we can understand them 8:21 we should do Oh 8:23 Keppler one of the fathers of modern 8:27 astronomy he he was a priest he was a 8:32 priest basically I believe he was 8:35 Catholic okay yeah and so he wrote these 8:41 laws are within the grasp of the human 8:44 mind God wanted us to recognize them by 8:47 creating us after his own image so that 8:50 we could share his own thoughts so as he 8:55 was sort of understanding these things 8:57 figuring out all these mathematical 8:59 relationships that describe what was 9:01 going on in the heavens he's certainly 9:04 not saying and there is no God or 9:06 anything like that or making up 9:08 arbitrary rules about well we can't 9:10 bring God into things the opposite is 9:12 true 9:13 it was his understanding of God that 9:16 prompted him to move in that direction 9:18 he didn't think oh this is all just an 9:20 illusion so I need to be thinking 9:21 about other things other things are more 9:23 important he's saying no this is 9:25 important let's understand it it tells 9:27 us something about God in fact it even 9:29 goes on and says we astronomers are 9:31 priests of the highest God in regard to 9:34 the book of nature these founders of 9:40 modern science were building off their 9:42 Christian understanding why would I not 9:45 do the same thing today these these were 9:47 great great I think there's great men 9:50 indeed now I want to contrast that with 9:53 this view that people think is Martin 9:55 and the example I'm going to use is 9:57 Jacques Minard 9:58 he is a well as a Nobel Prize winner and 10:01 he wrote this chance alone is at the 10:06 source of every innovation of all 10:08 creation in the biosphere they say it's 10:11 not God it's chance pure chance 10:15 absolutely free but blind at the very 10:19 root of the stupendous edifice of 10:22 evolution this can set this central 10:26 concept of modern biology is no longer 10:30 one among other possible or even 10:32 conceivable hypotheses it is today the 10:36 sole conceivable hypothesis and your 10:39 people look at that and they say well 10:40 that's modern science but it's not it's 10:44 ancient philosophy this is not new this 10:48 is not what modern science grew out of 10:51 in fact we can go back and read Cicero 10:54 this Roman author before the time of 10:57 Christ and Cicero wrote a book called de 10:59 natura deorum which means on the nature 11:01 of the gods it's a dialogue between 11:04 different different people with 11:06 different beliefs about the gods in the 11:08 pantheon that will worship by Romans and 11:11 others and he has here one of these 11:15 these philosophical views the epicurean 11:18 view and this is what the epicurean 11:20 philosopher says he says for he who 11:22 taught us all the rest that's a guy 11:24 named Epicurus has also taught us that 11:27 the world was made by nature without 11:30 needing an artificer to construct it and 11:32 that the act of creation which according 11:35 to 11:35 you cannot be performed without divine 11:37 skill is so easy that nature will create 11:41 is creating and has created worlds 11:43 without number you on the contrary 11:45 cannot see how nature can achieve all 11:47 this without the aid of some 11:49 intelligence 11:50 can you see go back 2,000 years people 11:53 were seeing the same thing it wasn't 11:54 because science compelled them to this 11:56 is their philosophy yes and you know I 12:00 have to say that it seems to me that as 12:03 we advance I would think that people 12:05 would be changing their mind because the 12:08 more science understands as they gain a 12:14 greater understanding the more 12:15 complicated we see that things are 12:18 perhaps they didn't and wonderful it is 12:20 yes I mean and you see it had to be fine 12:24 the Bible never points us away from the 12:27 evidence never does that I love this 12:30 text in Hebrews 2 Hebrews 12:1 therefore 12:33 we also since we are surrounded by so 12:37 great a cloud of witnesses let us lay 12:39 aside every weight and the sin which all 12:42 so easily ensnares us and let us run 12:45 with endurance the race that is set 12:47 before us this is a beautiful beautiful 12:51 thought 12:52 we are not we're not believing by blind 12:55 faith the witnesses are out there we 12:59 have the witness that's recorded in 13:01 Scripture we have the witness in the 13:05 creation that testifies to this 13:08 wonderful creator God in who amazingly 13:12 enough loves us and cares about his 13:15 wayward creation so what can we what 13:19 what's revealed about this well the 13:21 Creator is revealed in the biblical 13:24 worldview 13:24 that serves as the foundation of science 13:27 his value of logic is clear in the 13:31 logical way by which nature works 13:33 his value of our senses is clearly 13:37 revealed in the accuracy with which we 13:41 can gather empirical data he wants us to 13:45 go out there and 13:46 look at and understand this this 13:49 creation and we can do it through 13:54 scientific study man and man and Romans 13:57 1:20 says that God's invisible 14:00 attributes the things about God with 14:03 which we cannot see with her own my eyes 14:06 have been revealed in the things that he 14:09 has created so the Creator is revealed 14:13 in his creation please stay tuned we'll 14:15 be back in just a moment with a special 14:17 guest 14:19 [Music] 14:25 welcome back to the Creator revealed 14:27 we've been talking about Bible truths in 14:31 science and how can a scientist truly 14:36 believe in the Bible well we have a 14:38 special guest with us for this segment 14:41 and he's going to address that yes we're 14:44 meeting with dr. Leonard brand he has 14:47 been a leader among scientists at Loma 14:52 Linda University which is a Christian 14:54 University in California for many many 14:58 years he's author of the book faith 15:00 reason and Earth history so this is 15:03 something that he has given a lot of a 15:05 lot of thought to and in addition to 15:07 that he's the author of many 15:10 peer-reviewed science papers in fact 15:14 right now he's involved in some very 15:16 interesting scientific research that has 15:19 to do with geology so let's let's meet 15:22 dr. brand hi dr. Brenda welcome well 15:28 it's good to talk to you this morning 15:31 you know I think I think what I want to 15:33 do is I want to start out by by asking 15:38 you about this belief that you have in 15:40 the Bible I mean do you really believe 15:42 it or are you sort of giving it more you 15:46 know lip service but kind of redefining 15:50 terms or something so that it doesn't 15:52 get in the way of the science that you 15:54 do no I believe it very much so and it 15:59 doesn't get in the way but who knows 16:03 more about geology we us do we know more 16:06 or does God know more well it's clear to 16:09 me that God knows more and I saw I 16:10 accept what the Bible says okay and and 16:13 so when you are doing your science how 16:16 exactly I mean does the Bible really 16:18 make any difference or is it sort of 16:21 more a kind of moral guide in your life 16:24 and you just sort of believe by faith 16:25 but does it impact your science really 16:28 at all well the the science that's 16:31 impacted the most by the Bible is when 16:35 we're studying ancient history whether 16:37 it be biological 16:38 or geological history that's when it 16:41 matters a lot because the Bible tells us 16:44 that the history of this earth is 16:46 different from what most scientists say 16:48 and so that's what it makes a lot of 16:51 difference and it gives us clues about 16:54 how to how to look at the rocks how to 16:57 understand the rocks clues that we would 17:00 not have had otherwise so what 17:02 specifically okay you do you do geology 17:06 research what in what way does does does 17:12 the Bible inform that okay well one of 17:16 the one of the geological deposits that 17:19 I am studying along with colleagues like 17:21 our Chadwick is the Moen copy formation 17:24 in Utah and the standard explanation is 17:27 that that accumulated over many millions 17:30 of years 17:31 okay well the Bible tells me no it 17:34 didn't happen that way it happened much 17:35 faster and so so I asked questions when 17:39 I want to look at the moon copy that 17:40 other people are not asking and when we 17:43 do that 17:44 I noticed things then it's clear that 17:46 other people are not noticing so that's 17:49 really how it helps so do you want to 17:52 give us some specifics I mean what sort 17:53 of things would you notice that somebody 17:55 else wouldn't really be seeing there 17:57 well they they they would understand 18:01 that these layers in the moon copy were 18:04 deposited very slowly over millions of 18:08 years and when we but when we look at 18:10 them 18:11 we don't see evidence that says no this 18:14 had to be happened very different much 18:16 more catastrophic ly making individual 18:19 deposits of sediment over large areas 18:24 all at once which won't happen in the 18:27 modern world it's always different from 18:29 what how scientists would interpret 18:31 things that they look at at how things 18:35 happen in the modern world how streams 18:37 deposit sediments how rivers deposited 18:41 sediments and other processes and then 18:44 they would look at the rocks and assume 18:46 that the rocks were formed in the same 18:49 way that we see processes happen 18:52 today and but that's an assumption when 18:56 we look at at the at the rocks with a 18:59 biblical insight we see that that the 19:02 evidence doesn't fit that the evidence 19:04 says this was this was deposited in not 19:08 like it happens in the modern world but 19:10 something very different on a 19:11 catastrophic large scale okay so that 19:14 that actually brings up really two other 19:18 questions that I would have number one 19:22 what you're saying then is that whatever 19:26 the process was that created these 19:29 really widespread layers of sedimentary 19:33 rock it's different than what what we 19:36 observe going on today that's right very 19:40 different and it this and this is not 19:43 just in this one deposit I'm talking 19:45 about it it's you find it all through 19:48 the rocks when we look at them carefully 19:51 letting the Bible suggests to us new 19:54 ways of interpreting okay and then then 19:57 the second question then would be well 19:59 what is it in the Bible that that 20:02 suggests that there was a different 20:04 something something uniquely different 20:06 going on in the past 20:08 well the Bible gives a timeframe since 20:11 creation of a few thousand years and it 20:14 tells us about the global flood okay 20:16 which was not just streams depositing 20:19 sand and gravel it was a catastrophic 20:22 very large-scale global process and so 20:25 we have to put the rocks in that context 20:29 when we're studying them and that's what 20:30 gives us insights to see them 20:33 differently from what other peoples how 20:35 other people see them now I know that 20:39 you you you've mentioned this kind of 20:41 gradual istic process where what what we 20:46 observe going on today and what I'm 20:51 wondering is okay I know that that's 20:54 been a widespread view among geologists 20:57 for quite some time it's certainly the 20:59 kind of geology I was taught when I was 21:01 a student but as other scientists a look 21:05 at these and other rock layers and so on 21:09 they also coming to similar conclusions 21:13 are they invoking some kind of 21:15 catastrophes or or or the majority of 21:18 geologists sort of sticking with this 21:21 slow gradual gradual istic kind of view 21:26 of geology well let's look at a brief 21:30 bit of history about this concept that 21:32 you're asking in say the 1700s and the 21:37 early 1800s most geologists were 21:40 catastrophist they saw things happening 21:42 catastrophic ly agile a couple of 21:45 geologists wrote books that change this 21:47 and and the primary one was Lyell in in 21:51 the mid 1800s he wrote a set of two 21:54 books that redefined the field of 21:56 geology and actually began geology as an 21:59 organized science and he didn't like 22:01 this catastrophism and so he he defined 22:06 geology by saying that everything 22:09 happens slowly and gradually there are 22:11 no catastrophes and that was a was and 22:15 that dominated geology for a century 22:18 everything happens very slowly and 22:21 gradually there are no catastrophes in 22:24 in the early decades of the 1900s there 22:27 was an independent thinking geologist 22:28 who who challenged that with the deposit 22:31 he was studying in Washington State and 22:33 he he - even though the others ridiculed 22:38 him for several decades he continued 22:41 collecting data and he finally showed 22:43 that yes this deposit he was studying 22:45 was formed by a catastrophe and so that 22:48 finally woke up other geologists but it 22:52 made only a small change they still see 22:56 geologic processes is happening 22:58 generally slowly and gradually but they 23:01 do recognize that once in a while there 23:02 was some kind of a catastrophe so 23:05 basically not ease so so basically what 23:08 they're saying is there were several 23:11 major catastrophes in the past something 23:14 things that occurred on almost a global 23:16 scale 23:18 mmm I don't think they'd say global this 23:21 is much local it will accept some 23:24 relatively local catastrophes but 23:29 otherwise things have moved slowly and 23:31 gradually okay so basically they're 23:34 saying a big catastrophe over here a big 23:36 catastrophe over there but no universal 23:40 or no global catastrophe they don't they 23:43 don't want to put them all together into 23:44 one big thing no they don't actually 23:48 that some of the evidence would fit that 23:49 better but but they're there their 23:53 assumptions their paradigm will not 23:55 allow that because that sounds you know 23:57 well put it this way if you try to be so 24:01 catastrophic that it questions the 24:03 Darwinian evolutionary process the the 24:07 millions of years of evolution and 24:08 geologic process then that's a problem 24:11 they won't accept that okay well thank 24:15 you so very much for your time I there's 24:20 probably one more question that I have 24:23 and that really has to do with what 24:25 we've been talking about right now which 24:27 is would you say that people who believe 24:32 the Bible are having an influence on the 24:36 wider thinking about geology or would 24:39 you say that the people are simply being 24:43 drawn by the data more towards this 24:46 catastrophic kind of view well when we 24:50 publish papers in the scientific 24:52 literature we have to be careful what we 24:53 say we can't talk about a biblical 24:55 worldview we can't talk about anything 24:57 that we present the data and talk about 25:01 how it specifically applies to what 25:03 we're studying and so in that sense 25:06 we're having influence here and there 25:08 we're not changing the way geologists 25:11 think in general okay well thank you so 25:14 much for your time dr. Brandt it's been 25:16 a real pleasure and thanks for the work 25:18 that you're doing there at Loma Linda 25:19 University dr. brands office is quite 25:22 close to my own and it's an honor to 25:24 work on that campus with these these 25:27 incredible people 25:28 thank you dr. brand you're welcome 25:32 you know Shelley it's it's a common idea 25:35 that scientists like dr. brand are a 25:38 rarity but in reality I encounter them 25:41 all the time 25:42 I believe the Bible I do science dr. 25:45 bran believes the Bible he does science 25:48 excellent science it gets published in 25:50 that sort of rough-and-tumble world of 25:52 publishing science papers that's it's 25:55 not a joke your ideas really have to be 25:58 tested very thoroughly and and yet 26:02 they're everywhere and more and more 26:05 scientist and reading books and reading 26:07 excerpts from books that more and more 26:10 scientists are coming over that they're 26:13 you know people who were atheist are now 26:16 believing in the biblical account 26:21 overcome this materialistic philosophy 26:23 that we tend to get indoctrinated with 26:26 then it is absolutely true that the 26:29 creation does point you towards the 26:32 creator and it really does reveal the 26:35 creator to us well science is exciting 26:38 and we are just so thankful to have 26:42 these wonderful people come and share 26:44 this good information with us and that 26:47 you can know it isn't contradictory to 26:50 believe both the Bible and have a 26:52 scientific mind please join us next time 26:55 because we're going to talk out about 26:57 how you can share the creation 27:01 [Music] 27:22 you

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