Evidence of the Recent Creation - 180006

Episode 6 October 05, 2020 00:28:45
Evidence of the Recent Creation - 180006
The Creator Revealed
Evidence of the Recent Creation - 180006

Oct 05 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Living things provide abundant evidence of their relatively recent creation. Claims that life, and death, are billions of years old exploit the fact that we can’t do time travel to see if they are true. All we can do is consider the record of the past we have in God’s Word and in His creation. Join us as we examine just a little of the clear evidence that life on Earth is thousands rather than millions of years old.

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0:04 [Music] 0:31 welcome to the creator revealed I'm Tim 0:35 Standish I'm a scientist but I'm also a 0:38 Christian and there really shouldn't be 0:40 a butt in there 0:42 of course scientists can and in fact 0:46 should be Christians that means that I 0:48 believe the biblical record of history 0:52 amen amen well we are just very excited 0:55 that you're with us and we are very 0:58 excited that those of you at home or in 1:01 your car whether you're watching by TV 1:03 or Internet we thank you so much for 1:05 joining us and this is to me I am so 1:10 excited because creation science is 1:12 something that many people have their 1:16 views have changed a little over the 1:19 years and we see Christians who are kind 1:22 of amalgamating almost I don't know if 1:25 that's the proper word but they're 1:27 taking evolution and they're taking a 1:29 little from the Bible and they're doing 1:31 this and that coming up with all kinds 1:34 of ideas so I'm excited about this 1:36 series what are we going to talk about 1:37 today well we're going to talk about 1:39 evidence 1:40 remember that science is all about 1:44 empirical evidence and occasionally I 1:46 actually quite commonly I hear what 1:50 seems to me to be a ridiculous statement 1:52 which is there is no evidence for a 1:56 recent creation we're going to disprove 2:00 that today well we're going to look at 2:02 some evidence that's for sure and and 2:04 and obviously each person has to draw 2:07 their own conclusions but I will tell 2:09 you that again this is from my 2:12 perspective as a scientist actually 2:15 there is abundant evidence of the recent 2:18 creation of life now I'm concentrating 2:21 on life because I'm a biologist life is 2:24 what I study I'm not a geologist so I 2:27 won't try to go too far down that way 2:30 but I will compare what geologists and 2:35 what the biological evidence say okay 2:39 all right so I want to start off with a 2:42 Bible text and this is Isaiah which 2:45 is one of my favorite books by the way a 2:46 book that is full of the creation 2:49 interestingly enough the creation and 2:52 the new creation that God's promised so 2:54 Isaiah wrote this he said lift up your 2:56 eyes to the heavens look at the earth 2:59 beneath the heavens will vanish like 3:02 smoke the earth will wear out like a 3:05 garment and its inhabitants die like 3:08 flies but my salvation will last forever 3:15 my righteousness will never fail God 3:22 makes this incredible promise here to us 3:26 yes the earth is old now that doesn't 3:31 mean that life is millions or hundreds 3:34 of millions of years old or billions of 3:36 years old or even according to to some 3:40 people but thousands of years old is a 3:43 long time and none of us can go back 3:47 probably none of us can genuinely figure 3:50 out the exact date on which God started 3:55 the creation we get these dates by via 3:59 calculations that have some error in 4:03 them but what is obvious both by looking 4:05 at genealogies in the Old Testament and 4:08 also by looking at genealogy in the New 4:11 Testament because we have the genealogy 4:13 of Jesus Christ and we know how many 4:16 people there were from Adam to Jesus by 4:19 looking at those things we can know with 4:21 a reasonable degree of assurance that 4:24 life is thousands of years not millions 4:29 of years old that's data that's a real 4:32 record of reality what do we see when we 4:37 look at the creation let's start off by 4:39 talking about clocks because we all know 4:42 that there isn't a clock out there on 4:45 palm trees or on human beings or on 4:50 anything else 4:51 there isn't an actual clock but there 4:54 are things that act like clocks 4:58 but sometimes those clocks give to 5:01 different times I don't know if you've 5:04 ever seen a clock towel like this with 5:06 the faces with different times on them 5:09 yeah but that's that is sort of the 5:13 situation that we sometimes see with 5:15 science now remember we're interpreting 5:18 data to come up with the Sun with the 5:21 times that are being estimated so let's 5:25 start off here this is well actually one 5:27 of my favorite places it's south of 5:29 Sydney in Australia a place called kool 5:31 cliff and you can see why can you see 5:33 that that beautiful line of coal there 5:37 this is why Australia is the Saudi 5:39 Arabia of coal 5:40 there's huge amounts of coal there in 5:43 this in this Basin around Sydney and 5:48 here's the thing do you see what a 5:51 straight line that is between the coal 5:54 and the and the sandstone that's on top 5:57 of it hmm when you do something called 6:01 radiometric dating what you find out is 6:05 that supposedly there was five million 6:11 years that that coal was on top of the 6:14 earth and then the sandstone came along 6:19 and piled up on top of it so just think 6:22 about that a little bit what do you 6:24 think would happen if that call was 6:26 sitting there with just air above it for 6:29 five million years you would expect some 6:36 kind of erosion maybe or some kind of or 6:40 maybe the coal would get lit on fire 6:41 maybe to be struck by lightning maybe it 6:44 was under water so it didn't burn but if 6:46 it was under water then you'd expect 6:48 erosion yeah well or something and then 6:50 you've got to dump all of this coal at 6:52 this this sorry this sands on top of it 6:55 to make the sandstone really five 6:57 million years what the evidence is most 7:02 reasonably interpreted as there as 7:05 meaning is actually very little time at 7:07 all okay because there's no erosion 7:11 the coal is still they cannot leave coal 7:12 sitting out on the Earth's surface for 7:14 five million years yes so there's a kind 7:18 of logic here we're looking at two 7:20 different clocks and they're telling us 7:23 different times at this place called 7:26 coal cliff first of all there's that 7:28 radiometric clock and that says five 7:32 million years but the flat interface 7:34 between the layers says a short period 7:37 of time 7:38 we've got two two clocks telling us two 7:41 different periods of time and these flat 7:45 gaps in time that we see they're they're 7:49 actually quite common there are there 7:52 you can see them for example in the 7:53 Grand Canyon here in the United States 7:56 where there are millions of years 7:57 missing they're also between layers and 7:59 yet it's absolutely flat no erosion no 8:03 indication that there was actually any 8:05 time there they're called para 8:07 conformities and as i said they they 8:10 show up all over the place the para 8:13 Conformity visible at coal cliff covers 8:15 about ninety seven thousand square miles 8:20 that's an incredible area absolutely 8:24 flat there are simply not places on 8:27 earth that'll like that today ninety 8:30 seven thousand square miles of flatness 8:33 a flat coal this is obviously something 8:36 different than we see today and well 8:39 interpreted as a short period of time 8:42 now I count this as a biological 8:45 evidence because coal came from plants 8:50 so let's look at another thing here's 8:52 here's our coal again this is just 8:54 looking at the same coal from a 8:55 different angle and when we when we look 8:58 at that coal frequently you find 9:03 carbon-14 in coal now you've all heard 9:05 that carbon-14 means long ages but 9:08 that's actually not really true is this 9:11 where they get the carbon dating yeah 9:13 this is what carbon dating comes from 9:14 though the most ancient carbon 14 dates 9:19 that you can possibly get are around a 9:21 hundred thousand 9:22 yes there are some variables in there 9:24 you're generally less than that and a 9:26 lot less so because the carbon-14 breaks 9:31 down very fast you simply it's it's a 9:33 fast running clocking the the the time 9:36 runs out after a while 9:38 so if carbon-14 is measured in a coal 9:41 sample it either had the carbon-14 put 9:44 into it or it's less than a hundred 9:47 thousand years old now remember that 9:50 call that you were looking at there is 9:51 supposed to be millions of years old 9:53 there should be no carbon-14 there and 9:56 this is something that has been done 9:59 many times in in a number of different 10:03 types of coal so here is another line of 10:06 evidence there have been a lot of 10:08 molecules that have been found 10:10 associated with fossils that are 10:12 supposed to be millions of years old and 10:15 the question is how long the proteins 10:18 last do they last hundreds of years if 10:22 you put a you know a piece of steak 10:25 outside how long does it last 10:28 not very long now a lot of that's 10:30 because bacteria will come along and 10:32 speed things up and and some animal 10:35 might come and eat it so we know that 10:37 today it disappears very rapidly but 10:40 even if you don't have animals or other 10:43 organisms breaking down these molecules 10:46 you have water that breaks them 10:47 you have oxen they just oxidized 10:50 spontaneously and other chemical 10:52 reactions degrade them and they can be 10:54 physically broken as well and radiation 10:57 radiation is something that you simply 10:59 can't get away from and it breaks things 11:01 down 11:01 so this this exact skeleton here from 11:06 this exact skeleton they have found 11:08 proteins a whole blood vessels and 11:12 things that they got out of the bones 11:14 for this particular dinosaur here the 11:18 idea that those would have lasted for 60 11:20 something million years is very 11:24 optimistic let's put it that way very 11:26 optimistic reasonably these are 11:29 explained as telling us that these 11:31 dinosaurs did not live that long ago and 11:34 there have been scientific pay 11:36 that's published about this it's it's 11:38 not something that is fringe science one 11:41 more thing let's go through it really 11:42 quickly hey it's not that technical what 11:45 mutations these are random changes in 11:48 DNA sequences and most most of these 11:50 changes have a very small impact 11:53 thankfully or we'd all be dead and 11:55 you're going to see why in just a moment 11:57 let's imagine that we have a wife and a 12:00 husband and they have a whole bunch of 12:03 children in fact they have ten children 12:05 and let's just imagine that there is a 12:08 very low mutation rate 1.1 i'm sorry / t 12:12 / me 0.1 mutations per individual per 12:15 generation that would mean that one of 12:18 their children had a mutation now you'd 12:22 think ok natural selection can get rid 12:23 of that child and the rest of them will 12:27 be perfectly fine but what would happen 12:31 if you had a higher mutation rate let's 12:34 say point 5 mutations per generation 12:36 well that would mean 5 out of the 10 12:39 half of them would not survive if 12:42 natural selection selected them out but 12:44 you'd still have 5 so you'd be fine but 12:46 what if you had one mutation per 12:48 individual per generation it wouldn't 12:51 exactly be like this but we're just 12:53 illustrating something here that would 12:55 in this example mean absolutely all of 12:59 your children had mutations and natural 13:01 selection would not be capable of 13:03 getting rid of them so what is the 13:06 actual human mutation rate if one 13:11 mutation per individual per generation 13:13 or 0.1 what is it exactly 13:16 well there are lots of estimates about 13:18 this but generally speaking they're well 13:21 over 100 mutations per individual per 13:26 generation the the point is this human 13:31 beings are incapable of even having 13:33 enough babies to get rid of all of these 13:35 mutations so natural selection is not 13:39 only improbable it sounds impossible 13:41 well natural selection isn't going to 13:43 fix this problem yeah we're going to 13:45 accumulate mutations now thankfully our 13:47 bodies are so rude 13:49 just that we can survive a whole bunch 13:52 of mutations but the question then 13:55 becomes how many mutations can we 13:57 survive at what point are we going to to 14:02 die because we simply our genomes are 14:07 worn out and truthfully we don't know 14:11 exactly but we could be pretty sure that 14:14 it isn't millions of years in fact it's 14:17 pretty remarkable that we're able to 14:19 survive thousands of years which sounds 14:22 pretty optimistic or pretty pessimistic 14:24 when you think about it we're all doomed 14:27 except for one thing Sode salvation we 14:32 exactly God's salvation is eternal and 14:36 so what does this evidence all of this 14:40 evidence that we've seen about a recent 14:42 creation 14:43 Tellis well there are a few things that 14:45 I would pull out of it number one 14:48 God's mercy the creator's mercy is not 14:52 in not using this death driven process 14:56 of evolution over eons of time is very 15:00 clear the time isn't millions hundreds 15:05 of millions of years of suffering 15:06 struggle and death and secondly his 15:10 mercy is clear in not allowing sin and 15:15 suffering to have continued over 15:18 hundreds of millions of years in the 15:21 past 15:21 so we can praise God the time is short 15:27 Jesus is our Creator and he created 15:33 thousands of years ago not millions of 15:36 years ago and he is our Redeemer amen 15:40 and I believe that he is coming soon 15:46 not millions of years from now so we see 15:49 that there is sufficient evidence to 15:52 prove the recent creation of life and we 15:58 believe it isn't more than 6,000 years 16:01 ago personally but please stay tuned 16:03 we've got something special coming up 16:06 [Music] 16:11 welcome back to the Creator revealed 16:14 today we are talking about evidences 16:17 that support the idea of a recent 16:21 creation of our earth and we believe 16:24 this support the biblical account of 16:27 creation 16:28 yes specifically we've been looking at 16:30 living things what evidence is there in 16:33 living things that points towards a 16:36 recent creation of all of this life and 16:40 one of the things that we've talked 16:42 about is chemicals these proteins and 16:47 other biological chemicals that we find 16:50 inside fossils and so the big question 16:56 is can these things last for millions of 16:59 years to understand this we're going to 17:04 talk with a chemist dr. Ryan Hayes he 17:07 teaches in the department of chemistry 17:08 and biochemistry at Andrews University 17:11 which happens to be my alma mater so I'm 17:15 excited to hear what dr. Hayes has to 17:18 say about this so welcome dr. Hayes I 17:20 right hi it's good to be here thanks for 17:24 having me on this is exciting topic 17:28 we're thinking about chemicals and 17:31 recent creation and boy there's a lot of 17:34 new information that's coming out you 17:37 know here in just in the last few years 17:38 and and the last decade or so about all 17:42 these molecules that are you know being 17:45 found in you know in geological 17:48 formations or pulling up dinosaur bones 17:51 and finding tissue in there that this is 17:55 just utterly amazing it is incredible 17:58 stuff and I think that the 18:00 most people have a kind of gut-level 18:03 understanding that something like 18:05 proteins that that's the stuff that 18:07 muscles are made out of that's what 18:09 that's meat and we know that meat 18:12 doesn't last for very long on a dead 18:14 animal so the idea that you would find 18:17 these things for example in dinosaur 18:20 bones if you if you remove the the the 18:26 yeah the not the bone marrow itself but 18:29 the hard part the that part of the bone 18:32 you are actually left with proteins you 18:36 can do that with obviously modern bones 18:39 if you take a cow's bone and remove this 18:42 chemical that's in there called calcium 18:44 and calcium apatite isn't it there's 18:48 hydroxyapatite yeah I was just remarking 18:58 with my students even today about the 19:01 chemical properties of carbon-based 19:05 molecules which were made out of and all 19:08 life is made out of and the energy that 19:11 is holding our bonds together is 19:14 actually somewhat easily broken just 19:18 from the heats and the light that we 19:22 have shining on our planet that comes 19:24 right out of our planet itself and and 19:26 the molecules in some ways are designed 19:30 not to to last forever without some 19:33 input into the system so when things are 19:37 left out in the open or left on the 19:40 ground there's biological things that 19:43 will come and attack and chew of them 19:44 all up or just UV lights and heat or 19:48 even the cold can break things up and 19:51 the chemicals that were made out of and 19:53 living things are made of thee they just 19:55 don't last that long there's also 19:58 something that I've heard a cold 20:00 background radiation and apparently you 20:03 know over over short periods of time 20:05 it's not that much but over the course 20:08 of millions of years this background 20:11 radiation 20:13 everything is exposed to unless your 20:15 repairing the damage to these molecules 20:19 you're gonna wind up shredding them 20:21 because they're big molecules and form 20:23 that radiation can you just embrace said 20:26 over millions of years you don't believe 20:27 there has been no in fact the whole 20:31 point of this is the fact that we find 20:34 these molecules in in fossils is a 20:41 pretty good indicator that those fossils 20:44 are not in fact millions of years old 20:46 and so the idea would be and dr. Ryan 20:49 correct me if I'm dr. Hayes dr. Ryan 20:52 Hayes correct correct me if I'm getting 20:54 this wrong but you know if you find 20:59 something that should have broken down 21:01 over a long period of time that probably 21:03 tells you that there hasn't been a long 21:04 period of time that's absolutely right 21:08 I think many people don't realize that 21:11 our DNA and a lot of the molecules in 21:14 our body are just being pummeled we have 21:17 thousands of breaks happening every day 21:20 because of the radioactive earth that we 21:23 live in I loved making that point to my 21:25 students and the people I talked to we 21:28 live in a very radioactive world and the 21:31 reason why we don't see a lot of that 21:32 damage in the short term like days weeks 21:36 and years is that we there are at least 21:38 five known repair systems that are 21:41 constantly fixing the trillions of miles 21:45 of DNA that we have in our in our in our 21:47 body so without those repair mechanisms 21:50 DNA and and so many other organic 21:53 molecules will just fall apart from the 21:56 radioactivity and other things that 21:58 we've talked about so just we live in a 22:00 really radioactive world but we're sort 22:02 of shielded from that in the sense that 22:04 there there was design that knew what 22:07 problems would happen and systems a 22:10 little machines that go in and fix our 22:11 DNA so our DNA is constantly being 22:15 destroyed in little bits and pieces 22:17 every day and it's eventually after 22:20 enough decades 22:22 you know this leads to cancer and so 22:24 this is why there's such a problem 22:25 some cancer is that eventually the 22:28 systems can't keep up with all the 22:30 damage that's happening in our bodies 22:31 this work received the Nobel Prize in 22:34 2015 in chemistry figuring out how our 22:37 DNA is being repaired so when we find 22:40 these things in the ground and earn the 22:42 earth it can't be that all these things 22:45 just don't last that long so what about 22:47 what about a situation like these people 22:50 who freeze their bodies so that they 22:53 could be resurrected later on is that 22:56 something that I mean is is there some 22:58 conceivable way in which we could 23:01 preserve things in you know so they 23:05 would last for millions of years as as 23:07 being as some people believe apparently 23:11 yeah sure I mean that's I mean you would 23:13 want to try that right if you could cool 23:15 things down cold enough maybe you could 23:18 stop a lot of the degradation but the 23:21 fact of the matter is a lot of that 23:23 radioactivity is gonna just slam right 23:25 through even frozen material so sure 23:30 it's a good idea to try to free 23:32 something or encase it in something so 23:34 it can last a long time but that is a 23:38 real even then in and themself is a real 23:40 challenge and takes design to figure out 23:42 how can you can preserve something for 23:45 such a long time in a random fashion 23:48 just throw some cold on it and will last 23:50 forever I don't think so you know but 23:53 that's just something that scientists 23:55 are looking at how do you keep something 23:56 lasts for a long time it's not an easy 23:57 because it's a it's a hard problem to 24:00 get biological materials to last a long 24:03 time 24:03 it's a hard problem and so even when 24:06 people are working on it then you say 24:08 that's something that probably isn't 24:10 going to happen little in with with some 24:13 fossil that that's being buried in the 24:15 ground in in whatever in sandstone or 24:19 limestone or whatever you just simply 24:20 wouldn't expect to get anything lasting 24:23 for for millions of years and then no 24:26 that's it's exactly right I mean so we 24:30 shouldn't be we shouldn't be surprised 24:32 that these things degrade fast we should 24:35 be surprised that we're seeing anything 24:37 and I think a lot of scientists are 24:38 surprised 24:39 that bones are turning up tissue and 24:42 just finding anything that resembles 24:45 organic molecules is just utterly 24:47 amazing but yet that's what we're 24:49 finding in bones and a lot of samples 24:51 that by radiometric means they seem to 24:55 be really old but yet the defy you know 25:00 chemical degradation this is this is 25:03 amazing so I think this is some really 25:05 good evidence pointing to the fact that 25:08 life is a relatively recent thing on 25:11 this planet thousands of years I think I 25:14 think we have to take that into strong 25:17 consideration for sure so that means 25:19 that you do accept the biblical account 25:23 and the generations to say that our 25:25 earth is probably no more than six 25:27 thousand years old yeah you know you 25:31 ever take a few thousand years but for 25:33 sure and I think as a scientist you have 25:35 to look at the credibility of the Bible 25:38 and the fact that this document has 25:41 lasted so long and is described so many 25:43 things that are so accurate now I would 25:46 love for my textbook to be that accurate 25:51 well so we have to thank you so much for 25:56 joining us dr. Hayes I know we could 25:57 talk about this forever it seems it's a 26:02 wonderful and fabulous topic you know 26:04 surely one of the things I love about 26:06 science is that it is full of surprises 26:11 and sometimes to be perfectly honest I 26:15 don't know what to do with those 26:16 surprises but I remember when I first 26:19 heard about these molecules inside 26:21 dinosaur bones I was shocked 26:24 in fact my colleague who told me about 26:26 it I said I don't think that's going to 26:28 be true and yet what we found I on some 26:32 other side also collected peer-reviewed 26:35 scientific papers we have hundreds of 26:37 them now reporting these things it's 26:41 very strong evidence that life is 26:44 thousands not millions of years old and 26:47 it's just like archeological finds when 26:50 people said oh no there was no David 26:52 was no this archeology finally found it 26:55 and that's what's happening now science 26:58 is finding proof our evidence of a 27:02 recent creation 27:05 [Music] 27:27 you

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