The biblical record of a 6-day creation thousands of years ago appears to be impossible to reconcile with the Darwinian theory of evolution over billions of years. Surprisingly, this doesn’t stop people from trying to find some kind of compromise between these two very different perspectives. We will look at the most commonly embraced “compromise” position among Christians and ask whether or not it really works, either as science or theology. How does the true account of origins given in the Bible tell us about the Creator that other views contradict?
Incredible as it may seem, Charles Darwin and his modern followers believe the human body contains examples of poor design. Is this pessimistic view...
Where do dehumanizing political philosophies like Marxism or Fascism come from? Why do some people believe that slaughtering babies, if they are an inconvenience,...
DNA is amazing, but what exactly is it? What does it do in every living thing? Why is DNA just the right material for...