Alternative to the Biblical Creation - 180011

Episode 11 November 09, 2020 00:28:45
Alternative to the Biblical Creation - 180011
The Creator Revealed
Alternative to the Biblical Creation - 180011

Nov 09 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

The biblical record of a 6-day creation thousands of years ago appears to be impossible to reconcile with the Darwinian theory of evolution over billions of years. Surprisingly, this doesn’t stop people from trying to find some kind of compromise between these two very different perspectives. We will look at the most commonly embraced “compromise” position among Christians and ask whether or not it really works, either as science or theology. How does the true account of origins given in the Bible tell us about the Creator that other views contradict?

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0:04 [Music] 0:31 welcome to the creator reveal my name's 0:34 Tim Standish and by profession I'm a 0:36 scientist but I'm also a human being 0:39 that means that I think about the 0:43 theological implications of the science 0:46 that I do you know it is so interesting 0:50 to me when you see we're both Bible 0:54 believing Christians MA we believe this 0:56 word is inspired by God and we believe 1:00 that God created the earth in six days 1:04 because he said he did but today we want 1:09 to welcome you and we're so glad you're 1:11 joining us because we will be talking 1:14 about alternative ideas that are out 1:17 there in the world to the biblical 1:21 account of creation exactly and as you 1:23 can imagine there are actually a fair 1:25 number of these ideas that we could talk 1:28 about during the course of this series 1:30 we've made frequent references to 1:34 Darwinian evolution this materialistic 1:38 view this kind of atheistic 1:41 understanding of of reality and in this 1:47 episode I would like to talk about the 1:52 sort of spectrum of things in between 1:55 but that would take an awfully long time 1:57 because there are people who have all 2:00 kinds of interesting ideas out there I 2:05 think it would be best for us to 2:07 concentrate on one of the most popular 2:11 alternative views this is an attempt to 2:14 reconcile the claims these mists 2:19 materialistic philosophy with the clear 2:23 record of history that's contained in 2:26 God's Word in the Bible so what you're 2:28 saying is this is the one where people 2:30 believe in an a type of evolution but 2:34 they they claim to believe the Bible 2:36 precisely and it's called theistic 2:38 evolution before we do that though 2:42 let's take a look at one of the things 2:44 that the Bible says about the creation 2:48 okay this is in Exodus 2:51 it's Exodus 31 and a lot of people don't 2:56 realize that the fourth commandment is 2:58 actually repeated here let's let's read 3:01 exactly what it says therefore the 3:05 children of Israel shall keep the 3:08 Sabbath to observe the Sabbath 3:11 throughout their generations as a 3:13 perpetual covenant so this is this is 3:16 not a covenant that is going to go away 3:19 the children of Israel the descendants 3:22 of Abraham 3:24 I would include Christians in this 3:26 because obviously we are adopted we are 3:29 all Abraham's seed yes as Christians so 3:34 this Sabbath is somehow important for 3:37 Bible believing Christians this Sabbath 3:39 is the seventh day of the week which in 3:42 the creation account says that at the 3:45 end of six days God said all is very 3:47 good and on the seventh he rests exactly 3:50 and just to make sure that we get that 3:51 this Sabbath that is a memorial to the 3:54 creation the fourth commandment goes on 3:57 and it says it is a sign between me and 4:03 the children of Israel forever for in 4:07 six days the Lord made the heavens and 4:09 the earth and on the seventh day he 4:12 rested and was refreshed and then Moses 4:15 puts this in just to make sure that we 4:17 understand how important this is and 4:19 when he had made an end of speaking with 4:22 him this is Moses on Mount Sinai he this 4:26 is God gave Moses two tables of the 4:29 testimony tablets a stone written with 4:33 the finger of God so God actually wrote 4:38 himself in stone that he created in six 4:43 days this is clearly recorded there in 4:46 the Bible so what do we do when we're 4:49 Christians and we're looking for some 4:51 kind of compromise that allows us to 4:54 feel like we 4:56 scientists and we are Christians at the 5:00 same time well I am a scientist and a 5:04 Christian and I can assure you that 5:06 there is no reason to abandon what the 5:11 Bible says because of the false claims 5:15 of Darwinism so you believe in 1/6 a 5:20 literal well what else would I believe I 5:23 believe Dada I obviously wasn't there I 5:28 have to believe the witnesses that we 5:31 have in the Bible has proven to be a 5:33 reliable witness about everything else I 5:36 mean how would you know how long it took 5:38 anyway there is there is no practical 5:41 way that science can really answer these 5:44 questions so let's look at theistic 5:48 evolution and we have to be careful here 5:51 because the evolution explain what that 5:53 means theists do you think evolution I'm 5:55 gonna actually give you a definition 5:56 here ok but the reason I want to be 5:58 careful about it is because there are 6:00 many different definitions that people 6:03 make of this but at its core this 6:05 definition really kind of explains it 6:09 theistic evolution is the belief that 6:11 God used the process of evolution to 6:14 create living things including humans 6:18 and so instead of this creation account 6:20 that's in the Bible God used a different 6:23 method the death driven process of 6:26 evolution that's the basic idea here now 6:30 once once you sort of agree on that if 6:34 you want to be a theistic evolutionist 6:36 then there are many other little details 6:38 and that's what twists around the 6:41 definitions in lots of different ways 6:43 and sometimes people come up with 6:45 something almost identical that they 6:47 call evolutionary creation but all of 6:51 these things sort of get wound up 6:53 together into this basic idea that God 6:56 his method of creation was evolution 7:01 here is a group called BioLogos and they 7:04 they put it this way they say we fully 7:06 affirm that the Bible is the inspired 7:08 and a thorough 7:09 native word of god and of course all 7:10 Bible believers would be saying Amen at 7:13 that point but then they go on and they 7:14 say we also accept the science of 7:17 evolution as the best description for 7:20 how God brought about the diversity of 7:21 life on Earth and many many many very 7:24 eminent scientists and so on actually 7:26 belonged to this group including Francis 7:28 Collins who led the effort to sequence 7:32 the human genome so these are eminent 7:34 guys and they're thinking very hard 7:36 about this I don't want to mock them I 7:38 just disagree with them because you know 7:40 what this idea is simply absolutely 7:43 incompatible with the scripture let's 7:45 let's look at what scripture says 7:47 scripture starts out by talking about 7:50 the good creation effect God called it 7:52 very good and then sin comes into the 7:55 world the fall occurs and the result of 7:58 sin the wages of sin death and this 8:02 broken creation that we live in but the 8:04 Bible doesn't stop there it goes on and 8:07 it provides the solution and the 8:09 solution fits the problem so we have 8:12 Jesus Christ who wins that victory over 8:16 sin and therefore victory over death and 8:22 thus there can be a good new creation 8:26 and eternal life it's the gospel that's 8:29 right that new creation so this is what 8:31 the Bible says it's kind of the opposite 8:33 of theistic evolution obviously you you 8:37 can't get those two things in there 8:41 together well let's look at how it is 8:45 that some Christians can somehow other 8:49 shoehorn evolution into some kind of 8:55 belief in Jesus Christ saving us by 8:57 dying on the cross okay and so here is 9:02 the idea of evolution that these 9:04 particular Christians believe now bear 9:08 in mind this is not what I believe I 9:10 believe what the Bible says I don't 9:12 believe that this is actually true but 9:14 the idea is this you start out with some 9:16 kind of single-celled organism it 9:18 evolves into something like a fish and 9:21 then that fish of 9:23 into something that crawls out and 9:24 becomes a land animal and that land 9:27 animal develops some more and becomes a 9:31 brute of some kind a brute and then 9:35 something amazing happens remember this 9:38 is not in the Bible 9:39 this is this theory of how this could 9:42 have worked that is unbiblical and I 9:44 don't believe I just want you to see it 9:46 so the idea is that God somehow are the 9:50 Zapp's 9:51 a soul into this into this brute now 9:55 let's look at look at that again whoops 9:57 we start out we keep involving we keep 10:00 evolving we get to the brute God sticks 10:03 a soul into the end of the brute and the 10:07 brute becomes a human being there is 10:12 this kind of progress that we see with 10:15 it and there is this event this 10:18 insolvent event that happens in the 10:21 course of history and that's when we get 10:24 human beings how that is just totally 10:30 can contradictory to the Word of God 10:32 exactly because obviously I think most 10:36 people who really seriously look at this 10:39 in the Bible understand that the idea 10:44 that the body and the soul are two 10:47 separate things that that they they can 10:51 have a existence separate from one 10:54 another really is not what the Bible 10:56 says what the Bible says is God breathed 11:01 into the body that he had formed and man 11:06 became a living soul or a living being 11:09 in some translations something it's it's 11:13 this combination of things that is 11:16 required we could call it the breath of 11:18 life or something sometimes we do hear 11:20 about the breath returning to God that's 11:23 talked about in the Bible but that Bible 11:25 doesn't talk about some sentient 11:28 immortal soul that goes up there and 11:31 lives in heaven without a body and those 11:34 sorts of things and just in fact in 1st 11:36 Corinthians 11:37 15:53 357 Paul clearly says that we are 11:43 not given immortality I mean he tells 11:45 Timothy that only God alone is immortal 11:49 right now and we don't get immortality 11:52 until the last trumpet exactly so anyway 11:56 with this this unbiblical belief system 11:59 then you can have death being a kind of 12:01 different thing than it was before the 12:04 insolvent death becomes the separation 12:06 of body and soul and all of a sudden you 12:10 can make sense of what Jesus was doing 12:11 on the cross he wasn't dying for what 12:14 normal people would call sin and death 12:16 he was dying for this kind of made-up 12:19 kind of death this this kind of idea of 12:23 separation of body and soul there and 12:26 you don't have to believe me 12:29 it's the the Pope talks about this in 12:32 fact this is a papal encyclical that I'm 12:34 showing you here by Pius the 12th he 12:37 wrote the teaching authority of the 12:38 church does not forbid that in 12:40 conformity with the present state of 12:42 human sciences and sacred theology 12:44 research and discussions on the part of 12:47 men experienced in both fields take 12:49 place with regard to the doctrine of 12:52 evolution in as far as it inquires into 12:55 the origin of the human body as coming 12:59 from preexisting and living matter for 13:01 the Catholic faith obliges us to hold 13:03 that souls are immediately created by 13:06 God so you can see here that the Pope 13:09 himself saw this as a way of solving the 13:14 tension between Darwinian evolution and 13:17 biblical Christianity I might add that 13:20 prior to this Catholics agreed with 13:23 other Christians and many Catholics 13:25 continue to agree with other Bible 13:28 believing Christians that in fact 13:29 theistic evolution is a false doctrine 13:32 that is unbiblical anyway let's continue 13:34 if we believe that evolution is true 13:37 then either God chose to create animals 13:42 to suffer and die over the eons when he 13:44 could have created animals perfect from 13:46 the start or God is incapable 13:50 of Fiat creation that would avoid the 13:52 evils of death struggle and suffering or 13:56 animals like souls and thus feel no 13:58 suffering at all which is obviously not 14:00 true if you've ever had a pet so 14:02 atheists they deny God's hand in 14:05 nature's suffering theistic 14:07 evolutionists actually blame him for it 14:10 it's really not a very attractive idea 14:13 and when we compare it with what the 14:15 Bible says the Bible promises that God 14:17 will wipe every tear from our eyes 14:19 there'll be no more death or suffering 14:22 that's the promise this is not the 14:24 process that has made us this is the 14:28 process that Jesus Christ died on the 14:30 cross to stop so yea the Creator is 14:34 revealed even by alternatives of the 14:37 biblical creation because they show that 14:40 the biblical truth reveals God's 14:43 goodness so God's goodness is shown in 14:47 the Bible and it's clear when it's 14:49 compared to these other ideas boy our 14:51 time is gone for the first segment 14:53 please join us we'll be back in just a 14:55 moment 14:57 [Music] 15:02 welcome back we have been exploring 15:05 theistic evolution and the issues with 15:08 that and now we're going to go just a 15:11 little bit deeper into some alternatives 15:14 and we have a special guest Tim would 15:16 you like that's right this is dr. Jim 15:18 Gibson dr. Gibson is the director of the 15:21 Geoscience Research Institute you're our 15:24 boss my boss so I have to be on my best 15:26 behavior and yes as you as you as you 15:30 said you know we've been looking at 15:32 theistic evolution but is that really 15:36 the only alternative out there that we 15:41 see among Christians or among other 15:43 people what precisely is up with that we 15:47 obviously we have things like 15:52 [Music] 15:54 materialistic Darwinism biblical 15:57 creation those can be considered to be 15:59 sort of opposite ends of a spectrum I 16:01 guess theistic evolution would would say 16:04 all know whether we're the happy 16:06 compromise in the middle but what other 16:08 things might be on that spectrum that's 16:10 why we have dr. Gibson here to help us 16:13 explore at least one possibly two other 16:16 alternatives so welcome dr. Gibson hi 16:19 dr. Gibson thank you and so let me ask 16:25 you this if it's not theistic evolution 16:27 if it's not materialistic Darwinism if 16:29 it's not biblical creation what else 16:32 might a person believe well there are 16:36 several alternatives but I think one of 16:38 the most interesting ones is a theory 16:41 that is really based on the fossil 16:43 record the fossils are based 16:46 if the fossils occur in layers in the 16:48 rocks in a sequence and there's one one 16:52 theory that says well that sequence is 16:55 the sequence in which God created them 16:59 on this world so we could call that 17:01 progressive creation okay so say then 17:04 the idea would be the idea would be okay 17:07 you go down to the bottom of those 17:08 layers of rock that have fossils in them 17:11 and and you see things like maybe 17:13 something like fish down there and you 17:16 see you don't see giraffes so the idea 17:20 would be okay God created all kinds of 17:22 fish and then he stopped creating and 17:25 then what some eons later he created 17:28 some more things yes yes that would 17:32 that's the basic idea and it 17:36 incorporates both these discreet act of 17:39 creation along with some evolutionary 17:42 ideas so in the fossil record if you 17:46 find the sudden abrupt appearance of 17:50 some new kind of fossil you explain that 17:53 by saying well that must be a new 17:55 creation if you see a kind of a 17:58 graduated series of fossils you would 18:02 say well that must be where God unguided 18:04 evolution for a while so gods 18:06 alternating between these creation and 18:09 evolutionary episodes and then then what 18:11 I understand a mean by recive creation 18:14 so then because these are fossils 18:18 obviously you would have things dying 18:20 because fossils are made from dead 18:23 things right yes yeah so that that 18:30 introduces a theological problem there 18:33 are problems with the theory that are 18:35 there are theological problems there's 18:37 problems with the science and there's 18:40 problems with the the biblical standards 18:43 well let's let's look at these science 18:46 okay weekly with the science well what 18:51 is the scientific evidence that God 18:53 created in this pattern there isn't any 18:56 it's entirely made up so you can't 19:01 really call this a scientific theory at 19:04 all in fact science tries to explain 19:10 things without appealing to God's action 19:12 so the minute you put God in there 19:15 saying that God created and God guided 19:17 evolution you have gone from what most 19:20 people want to call science to kind of a 19:25 philosophical interpretation a kind of a 19:28 religious 19:29 kind of an idea and I guess that if 19:32 you're a scientist you would say okay 19:34 with the biblical creation you have one 19:37 big miracle whereas with this 19:41 progressive creation you have many 19:43 miracles that you have to have so that 19:47 would be probably very problematic I 19:49 would imagine to somebody who didn't 19:52 like to have too many miracles going on 19:55 well if not only then how would you test 19:58 such an idea there isn't any way to test 20:01 that idea it's not a scientific idea at 20:03 all does it make it off addictions if 20:05 you want to get into it 20:07 no I can't imagine what it would predict 20:09 I mean 20:10 suppose I want to explain the fossil 20:13 record a different way 20:14 instead of saying God created in this 20:16 sequence let's say God arranged the 20:19 fossils in that sequence during the 20:21 flood that's just the way the flood put 20:24 them that isn't scientific either but 20:27 it's just as scientific as to say he 20:29 created in that order 20:30 yeah it's just made up and and does the 20:35 sequence of the fossils match in some 20:38 way things like the days of creation or 20:41 something like that well that's the 20:43 that's a biblical problem oh that 20:46 flowering plants occur early in the 20:49 creation week perhaps among the first 20:52 things created on day 3 in the fossil 20:55 record you don't see any flowering 20:57 plants until a lot of layers have 21:00 accumulated that have marine animals and 21:03 terrestrial animals and birds and fish 21:05 all kinds of things so they just it just 21:09 doesn't match yeah so biblically it 21:12 doesn't work scientifically it doesn't 21:14 work theologically it's very problematic 21:18 because it incorporates the idea of 21:21 death and evil and suffering and 21:25 violence all occurring before humans 21:28 ever appeared in the fossil record and 21:31 why would that be a precedent well if 21:35 Jesus came to to pay the penalty for our 21:39 sin by dying in our place 21:43 as the Bible is pretty pretty clearly 21:45 teaches them that theory just makes it 21:49 plateless it just makes it pointless 21:51 what's the what was Jesus doing here on 21:54 the cross well because in other words 21:55 what you're saying is that if you're 21:58 going by the fossil record there's a 21:59 death and destruction before sin before 22:05 men create or no committed sin so the 22:10 Deaf is have come from sin at all it's 22:12 just part of the order that God intended 22:14 so the way I see it Jim is that it's not 22:17 just them it's not just death it's also 22:21 violence and suffering yes so the way I 22:26 see it is that you just have to pretty 22:28 much throw out all the body or a good 22:32 portion of the Bible and including the 22:35 plan of salvation in order to believe 22:37 this progressive creationism yes 22:42 it's basically I make it up as you go 22:44 along kind of theory 22:45 so then what you're saying it seems to 22:49 me is that something like progressive 22:51 creation really has the same fundamental 22:54 problems that theistic evolution has but 22:57 possibly even more because it claims to 23:02 to have these kind of arbitrary 23:05 interventions by God every now and again 23:09 yeah it it solves the problem of 23:12 theistic evolution in the fact that it 23:14 provides a mechanism for unusual things 23:17 to happen but it does so at the expense 23:20 of God's character because it brings in 23:23 a Creator who is as one person said he 23:27 creates and then destroys and then he 23:29 creates and then he destroys and then he 23:30 creates and then it destroys over and 23:33 over again now what kind of a God is 23:35 that well I guess that we'd have to be 23:37 worrying that he might be doing some 23:39 more destroying in the near future 23:40 instead of coming back and saving us 23:43 doing a new creation does seem 23:49 problematic 23:50 yeah well and then in in the fossil 23:53 record if the flowering plants don't 23:55 show up until the deposits of the 23:59 animals and in this what were they 24:01 eating well yeah that would be that 24:04 would be a major problem I know I know 24:06 that you do find you do find in the 24:08 fossil record some plants but not 24:10 necessarily the flowering plants with 24:12 organisms that might have have eaten 24:14 them so there are probably solutions to 24:17 these problems it's just that you have 24:19 the flowering plants showing up much 24:23 later in the fossil sequence than you do 24:28 in the sequence of creation days so in 24:31 other words this isn't biblical at all 24:34 it's not going off the biblical account 24:37 it's simply divorced from the Bible 24:40 completely you're making up your own 24:42 religion as you go along 24:44 well it's also divorced from science yes 24:48 except for the fact that we do observe a 24:50 sequence in the fossil record but the 24:52 explanation for that sequence is just 24:55 made up well thank you so much for 24:58 helping us explore progressive creation 25:00 dr. Gibson it's been a pleasure 25:02 I appreciate your insights bye-bye 25:06 you know dr. Gibson really sort of 25:10 bought out what to me is a fundamental 25:13 problem with many of these ideas they 25:17 are neither biblical nor scientific and 25:22 certainly not scientific in the 25:25 materialistic understanding of things 25:28 and you're the very people who and I 25:31 know you've been criticized as I've been 25:32 criticized for having faith in the 25:36 biblical account of creation to me it 25:39 takes more faith to think look at what 25:42 they're saying plus suddenly the whole 25:47 God's whole character everything that I 25:51 want to believe about God is completely 25:53 changed exactly it says God into some 25:55 kind of monster 25:57 and a creator at the same time because 25:59 he's sort of creating and destroying and 26:01 creating and destroying and yeah I don't 26:06 know is that a God that I would want to 26:08 worship 26:09 and how should I live my life in 26:11 response to to something like that God 26:14 might decide to do a new creation and 26:15 I'll be wiped off the face of the earth 26:17 as a result of that how much how much 26:20 more attractive the God of the Bible is 26:24 you know the God who not only created us 26:29 and everything else but the God who came 26:33 to save us and has promised a new 26:36 creation something that we can have 26:38 faith in because we have seen that he 26:43 can create in the first place 26:45 and with lo we've certainly seen that he 26:47 can recreate when you see conversions 26:49 and we've learned we've learned some of 26:52 the things from that creation well I 26:54 want to thank you for joining us on this 26:56 episode this is not the only one I look 26:59 forward to seeing you again I hope that 27:01 you'll join us in the future 27:04 [Music]

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