Latest Episodes

Sharing the Creation - 180013
Christians understand the basic facts of creation from the biblical record. This doctrine is foundational to the biblical worldview and all other biblical doctrines....

Believing the Bible and Believing Science - 180012
There is a myth that has been repeated over and over again, yet no amount of repetition can make it true. It says that...

Alternative to the Biblical Creation - 180011
The biblical record of a 6-day creation thousands of years ago appears to be impossible to reconcile with the Darwinian theory of evolution over...

DNA and Design - 180010
DNA is amazing, but what exactly is it? What does it do in every living thing? Why is DNA just the right material for...

Good Creation and Natural Evil - 180009
Despite the creation’s elegance and beauty, it is clear that there is something wrong in the world. Where does all the death and suffering...

Creation and Human Relationships - 180008
Where do dehumanizing political philosophies like Marxism or Fascism come from? Why do some people believe that slaughtering babies, if they are an inconvenience,...