Sharing the Creation - 180013

Episode 13 November 22, 2020 00:28:45
Sharing the Creation - 180013
The Creator Revealed
Sharing the Creation - 180013

Nov 22 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Christians understand the basic facts of creation from the biblical record. This doctrine is foundational to the biblical worldview and all other biblical doctrines. How is this most effectively shared with those who do not believe? There is no perfect way of reaching every mind, but there are a few principles that can greatly increase the likelihood of productive engagement with those who do not yet know their Creator. Join us as we share these simple rules for reaching others with the everlasting gospel that all Christians are called to share with the world!

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0:04 [Music] 0:30 welcome to the creator revealed 0:33 I'm Tim Standish and I'm a scientist I 0:37 work at the Geoscience Research 0:39 Institute in Loma Linda California I am 0:43 also a Christian that means that I 0:48 believe the Bible and I believe the 0:51 account of creation that's recorded in 0:55 the Bible amen and we have enjoyed so 0:58 much the knowledge that you have shared 1:01 with us during this series and this is 1:04 something that you know when we all 1:06 encounter people who believe differently 1:09 than we do but when you encounter 1:12 someone like that how do you share these 1:16 beautiful evidences of the biblical 1:19 creation that is really a very tough 1:23 question and it's one that obviously 1:25 I've struggled with a lot because I have 1:28 many friends and I've had colleagues 1:31 over the years who have very different 1:34 views about origins but the first 1:39 question I think we need to address is 1:40 why would we bother to tell them what's 1:43 so important about this so let's turn to 1:46 the Bible because it actually gives us 1:48 the reason this is revelation 14 6 and 7 1:54 it's probably a familiar text to many 1:56 people but I want you to look at 1:58 specifically what it is telling 2:01 believers to do then I saw another angel 2:06 flying in the midst of heaven having the 2:08 everlasting gospel so hey this is 2:10 important this is the everlasting gospel 2:12 and what is to be done with it it's to 2:15 be preached to all those who dwell on 2:18 the earth to every nation tribe tongue 2:21 and people 2:24 wow that's everyone this is it this is 2:28 it this is this is the one I know that 2:31 when I was young I heard people talking 2:33 about the gospel and and I'd ask him 2:35 well what what is the gospel and usually 2:37 it was well Jesus died on the cross or 2:39 you know we've been saved from our sins 2:41 and that that 2:42 is the gospel without a doubt but here 2:46 it's coming at it from a little bit of a 2:48 different angle it's one that I as a 2:50 scientist can actually understand 2:54 hopefully reasonably well so so I I've 2:58 read this text to this point and it's 3:00 gotten me quite excited okay here it is 3:03 and this angel is saying with a loud 3:05 voice fear God and give glory to him for 3:09 the hour of his judgment has come and oh 3:13 dear me if it stopped there I would be 3:16 thinking rule that's pretty bad news 3:18 judgment I don't like that but remember 3:21 we're talking about God's judgment here 3:23 this is righteous judgment this is not a 3:26 betrayed judgment God is not wanting to 3:30 come and destroy his creation actually 3:34 God's judgment is the restoration of his 3:38 creation this is an amazing this is 3:41 fabulous good news any judges in favor 3:44 of the Saints precisely precisely and it 3:47 goes on and it tells us this is this is 3:49 what we should be doing it says worship 3:53 Him who made heaven and earth the sea 3:57 and the springs of water so this is this 4:02 is it this is the everlasting gospel 4:04 that we as Christians all of us have 4:07 been called to preach to all the world 4:09 and as we can see at it's very core is 4:13 the creation amen worship of the Creator 4:17 God who is coming back to do a new 4:20 creation here it's fabulous fabulous 4:24 news to me understanding the Creator 4:27 that God is is it helps us under mean if 4:30 we understand this character we 4:32 understand creation better but if we 4:34 understand creation we understand his 4:37 character better because his invisible 4:40 attributes are shown in the things that 4:42 he is creating the creation is such a 4:44 powerfully beautiful thing who wouldn't 4:47 want to share it and who wouldn't want 4:49 to worship a God like I know it's 4:51 amazing so what I've got here 4:55 six things that we can do that I believe 4:59 will be helpful as we seek to share this 5:03 wonderful truth with the world number 5:07 one only ever speak on subjects you know 5:12 more about than the person you wish to 5:15 convince in other words in other words 5:20 Shelley Quinn don't go to a geologist 5:24 with his ph.d who is an atheist and try 5:27 to explain everything to him when he 5:30 knows more than I exactly okay exactly 5:33 what we have all of us is a testimony 5:37 and that testimony is unquestionable 5:41 that is your experience so you certainly 5:46 have that but also you know for example 5:49 if you're a pastor or you're a student 5:51 of the Bible it is highly probable that 5:54 you know more about the Bible than the 5:57 person that you're sharing it with you 5:59 know be a source of information that 6:02 that person is not already expert in be 6:06 helpful in that way don't come in and 6:09 try to pretend that you know more about 6:11 their area of speciality than they do 6:13 that's simply not going to work it's 6:17 it's a temptation sometimes but don't do 6:20 that you will lose and you will not 6:22 honor Christ 6:24 now I want to give this quotation here 6:27 from Charles Darwin as an example of 6:30 something that anybody should be able to 6:33 spot okay this is there are areas where 6:35 you may not be a scientist but as you 6:39 see statements like this all Christians 6:42 should be able to recognize what it is 6:44 so let me read it and tell you about it 6:47 so Darwin wrote I would give absolutely 6:51 nothing for the theory of natural 6:52 selection if it requires miraculous 6:55 additions at any one stage of descent 6:57 and so Darwin would not approve of 7:02 progressive creationism the idea that 7:04 God created and didn't are 7:07 he put the materials out there then he 7:09 lets something developed and he did a 7:11 miracle and he lets something develop no 7:14 no he doesn't he is a materialist can 7:17 you see that it is his materialistic 7:19 philosophy this is a religious belief 7:21 that Darwin is expressing here we should 7:24 be able to recognize that this is not 7:26 science I mean if we observe a miracle 7:29 we should be able to document that as 7:31 scientists why would we not be who where 7:35 does this arbitrary rule comes from come 7:38 from that is philosophy or religion it's 7:41 not science so we should be able to tell 7:42 the difference at least to some degree 7:45 perhaps not a hundred percent of the 7:47 time but this is an example so as we 7:49 talk about these things keep an eye out 7:51 for that don't try to argue about the 7:53 science we probably that you probably 7:55 know less about but certainly you can 7:57 spot the religion in there okay because 7:59 we're religious people we believe the 8:01 Bible we're Christians a second 8:03 recommendation that I would make get 8:06 your facts straight 8:07 and then stick with them stick with the 8:09 facts don't don't don't go in with some 8:14 half-baked crazy theory and hyperbole 8:17 exactly if you hear somebody who you 8:21 know sounds like they're making really 8:23 dramatic claims and things check double 8:26 check triple check those make sure 8:29 that's really true because if you go in 8:31 there and you have your facts wrong I'm 8:36 afraid you're going to lose your 8:37 credibility and that loses you your 8:39 ability to share Christ with people yeah 8:44 the Bible talks about this sort of thing 8:46 lying lips even if it's unintentional 8:48 lying lips or an abomination to the Lord 8:51 but those who deal truthfully his 8:54 delight so these are things that the 8:56 Bible actually lays out for us as well 8:58 better to keep silent than to say 9:01 something that turns out to not be true 9:08 number three avoid speculation you know 9:12 the world is full of people who are 9:15 speculating about everything all the 9:18 time it seems to be the hobby 9:20 choice that's right we're Christians we 9:24 like facts we like reality we don't have 9:28 to make up stories and speculative 9:30 things we don't have to have imaginary 9:32 extra universes and stuff like that when 9:36 you wait you know I see people doing it 9:38 on a regular basis and generally 9:41 speaking these speculations are to fill 9:44 in gaps where there are questions some 9:48 questions actually we do not have 9:50 answers to we don't know everything 9:53 neither does anybody else 9:55 if somebody's acting like they know 9:57 everything they are simply ignorant 10:00 themselves or they're trying to trade on 10:03 your ignorance makes me think proverbs 10:05 4:18 that the path of the righteous 10:08 grows brighter and brighter until the 10:10 coming day so we're in a continual 10:12 learning process it's an act like we 10:15 have all the truth or no it's wrong that 10:17 would be absolutely wrong here Paul 10:20 writes about this let no one deceive you 10:23 with empty words for because of these 10:25 things the wrath of God comes upon the 10:27 sons of disobedience we should not be 10:30 deceitful or speculative or use empty 10:33 words to try to convince other people 10:35 there's no better going either way 10:37 number four seek to understand what's 10:40 holding the person back from believing 10:43 it's almost never the science so let me 10:46 let me just point this out scientists 10:48 are human beings here is a wonderful 10:50 quote this is this is from a philosopher 10:53 I believe it's not recent but it is 10:55 still it's true human nature doesn't 10:57 doesn't change he wrote it is a form of 11:01 scientific idolatry supposing that 11:04 scientists are entirely free from the 11:06 passions the direct men's actions and we 11:09 should have little patience with it 11:11 scientists are human so let's look at an 11:15 example of this in Charles Darwin's 11:18 writing this is in his autobiography he 11:21 writes I can indeed hardly see how 11:25 anyone or to wish Christianity to be 11:28 true for if so the plain language of the 11:31 text seems to show that the men who 11:34 do not believe and this would include my 11:35 father brother and almost all my friends 11:39 will be everlasting punished and this is 11:42 a damnable doctrine and you know I have 11:47 to agree with him with the final 11:49 sentence at least that teaching and it 11:53 is in error and and I grew up believing 11:56 that we were going to be burned forever 12:00 and it wasn't until I did a deep Bible 12:03 study on this and realize the truth God 12:06 isn't like that God is not like that we 12:09 have a beautiful wonderful God to 12:11 not a God who is wanting to throw us in 12:13 the Hellfire and burn us there for 12:14 eternity and that's pretty clear in the 12:17 scriptures 12:17 Darwin was taught that falsehood but it 12:22 put fear into him and I will tell you 12:25 the I encounter people all the time who 12:27 throughout this very argument absolutely 12:30 it's not logically atheist it is not 12:33 logical yeah okay if that God exists man 12:37 you better sit up and take notice but 12:39 this is not the God of the Bible amen 12:42 amen 12:43 number five do not argue to show that 12:46 your right and the other person's wrong 12:47 I mean come on we want to we think 12:50 Christianity is about love and humility 12:53 and we're trying to save these people 12:56 not make them look foolish and I chose 12:58 to illustrate this Ephesians 4 14 and 15 13:01 we should no longer be children tossed 13:04 to and fro and carried about with every 13:06 wind of doctrine by the trickery of men 13:08 in the cunning craftiness of deceitful 13:11 plotting but speaking the truth in love 13:15 may grow up in all things into him who 13:20 is the head Christ this is this is what 13:24 you know this is what we're trying to do 13:26 as Christians we're not trying to make 13:27 ourselves look smarter or more correct 13:30 than everyone else and finally I 13:32 encourage people to share what is 13:35 beautiful about the creation and 13:37 encourage contemplation of this rather 13:39 than fixating on questions for which 13:42 there is no answer there are plenty of 13:45 unanswered questions out there 13:46 well we'll find answers to many of them 13:49 we'll have to wait until Jesus comes yes 13:51 yes but but there are profound beautiful 13:55 truths in Scripture that we have to 13:58 share and those truths are evidence in 14:03 the Bible as well that's what we have to 14:07 share let's share that glorious truth 14:10 great advice great advice and has Paul 14:13 told Timothy when someone disagrees with 14:15 you 14:16 you must gently instruct in hopes that 14:18 God will give them a change of heart 14:20 please stay tuned we'll be back in just 14:23 a moment with a special guest 14:26 [Music] 14:31 welcome back to the Creator revealed 14:34 we're talking today about how to share 14:37 your belief in God as our Creator and we 14:40 have a special guest whom I just loved 14:42 dr. Tom Shepherd yes your tongue 14:45 Shepherd and I go back many years we 14:48 taught together in Nebraska and now he 14:52 teaches in the Adventist Theological 14:54 Seminary at Andrews University in 14:57 Michigan and he has on one of his 15:00 signature ties today I bet he does as 15:02 well you won't be surprised by the style 15:06 but it could be anything so welcome 15:09 welcome dr. Shepherd thank you so much 15:12 for joining us so we've been we've been 15:14 talking about how to share this doctrine 15:18 of creation with other people people who 15:22 don't already believe now you're a 15:24 theologian and and you're a pastor I 15:27 know you have a pastor's heart and so 15:31 I'm wondering from your perspective 15:33 obviously I've just talked about it from 15:36 the perspective of a scientist but from 15:38 the perspective of a pastor what are the 15:42 most effective ways of sharing the 15:45 creation and what might be some things 15:49 that we would like to avoid doing if we 15:52 want to be effective okay the first 15:56 thing is you never win an argument so 16:00 it's never good to argue with people 16:02 about about creation if they don't 16:06 believe it's not good to push it on them 16:10 I believe that sharing creation is 16:13 actually part of sharing the gospel so 16:15 in fact it's a very natural place to 16:18 begin in sharing the gospel because it's 16:21 the beginning of all life on this planet 16:24 and our universe so it depends on the 16:29 situation in which I would find myself 16:31 or who I would be with exactly how I 16:33 would approach this but if I gave a 16:36 scenario where I was traveling this next 16:39 week I'll be traveling with students to 16:41 Denver for professional meetings and 16:42 maybe I'll be sitting sonex's 16:45 somebody my way of sharing the gospel 16:48 with people starts with what I call 16:50 tagging it's not actually for me it's I 16:53 heard this from somebody else and when 16:56 we were little kids we play tag and it 16:58 was tagging you're it 17:00 so in sharing the gospel in this way and 17:03 just having a normal conversation with 17:05 somebody about who you are what you do 17:07 that kind of thing you share something 17:09 that is part of your spiritual life for 17:13 me it's fairly easy I tell you I'm a 17:14 teacher and they say oh what do you 17:16 teach and I say well I teach the New 17:18 Testament in the Bible and a seminary I 17:20 have just tagged them I have just told 17:23 them I'm a spiritual person and our does 17:26 that interest you 17:27 so if they tagged me back and they say 17:30 oh you teach New Testament that's really 17:33 interesting they've just said I'm also a 17:35 spiritual person and I'd like to talk 17:36 now if they say oh do you play golf too 17:41 then I may know that they may not want 17:45 to talk about spiritual things and I 17:47 might tag them again but I'm not going 17:48 to push some money but let's suppose 17:50 that somebody has you know showed an 17:52 interest and so there it comes up the 17:56 subject of creation of course there are 17:59 many people who are like unbelievers our 18:02 number of unbelievers and how do you 18:04 reach out to them I think one of the 18:06 best ways is to share with them the 18:09 benefits of believing in creation things 18:12 like God is watching over us God is 18:15 caring for us that there's a clear 18:18 beginning so there's a clear end where 18:20 we're headed and it's going to be 18:22 glorious according to the Bible I also 18:25 believe that sharing people the idea of 18:28 the image of God that we are made in His 18:30 image and the holistic anthropology of 18:33 the Bible I mean in simple terms to 18:35 share with people shares with them the 18:38 benefits of this great doctrine of 18:41 creation you know that's that's really 18:45 interesting because it's it's 18:46 interesting to me to see this that's a 18:48 very clever technique this tagging 18:50 tagging technique but I was also you 18:54 know I was here nodding and agreeing 18:57 because of course 18:59 I think that we do agree on a number of 19:02 these things and especially especially 19:04 on this point of presenting the beauty 19:06 of what's there the attractiveness of it 19:09 yeah if we make Christianity and the 19:12 idea of creation unattractive of course 19:14 people are going to want to do it now I 19:16 actually have another question it's it's 19:20 related you're going to a professional 19:22 meeting next week and for better or for 19:28 worse I know that there are a lot of 19:32 theologians who have quite unbiblical 19:39 ideas about the creation so the question 19:43 that I have is how do you deal with 19:46 people like that they would be spiritual 19:49 people already so how do you deal with 19:52 it okay of course I'm not gonna argue 19:56 with them if they want to share then I 20:00 would present my position on the 20:03 creation in the scripture as a 20:04 historical event now among theologians 20:07 the question of the historicity of the 20:09 first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis 20:11 it's a big a big issue in a big debate 20:14 that they go over but I would share 20:19 maybe some aspects of the creation story 20:23 that point towards it being not just 20:26 sort of poetry but it being linked into 20:30 history the Sabbath is actually one of 20:32 those characteristics the Sabbath 20:35 command enshrines that whole idea of the 20:37 creation then in six days God made the 20:40 heaven in the earth so we we probably as 20:44 professionals would talk about some 20:46 aspects of the text that would go beyond 20:48 what you know I might share if I was on 20:51 an airplane sitting next to you know 20:52 just just somebody who hadn't had that 20:55 kind of experience before what about 20:57 what about given your expertise in the 20:59 New Testament I I think about my 21:01 discussions earlier with with Shelly 21:03 about you know she she says I was a New 21:07 Testament Christian Am I 21:12 so you're a you're a professor of New 21:15 Testament they're in the seminary is is 21:22 the creation there is is there a 21:25 starting point that you might choose in 21:28 the New Testament instead of arguing 21:30 about those first eleven chapters of 21:33 Genesis back in the Old Testament of 21:36 course sure absolutely the the creation 21:42 doctrine is found throughout the New 21:44 Testament I have a presentation that I 21:46 gave you that time I could share the 21:48 whole thing it takes probably about at 21:50 least half an hour or I could go on and 21:52 on and on 21:56 throughout many many books of the New 21:58 Testament creation is this foundational 22:01 kind of concept let me share one that's 22:03 in the book of Matthew chapter 19 22:06 Pharisees were asking Jesus whether it 22:09 was all right to divorce and Jesus was 22:12 very much in in favor of staying married 22:15 and not getting divorced and the basis 22:17 of his argument was that God made male 22:20 and female and he the man leaves his 22:22 father and mother is joined to his wife 22:24 so Jesus took the stories of creation as 22:29 historical events because if if if it's 22:32 not historical his argument fails and so 22:35 Matthew 19 is one of those very clear 22:38 indications that in the New Testament it 22:41 accepts the historicity of those 22:43 creation accounts and there's there's 22:45 many examples like this throughout the 22:48 New Testament that point in the same 22:49 direction you know you know one of the 22:51 things that really impressed me when I 22:54 was reading through the Bible and I do 22:56 this ever every now and again is where 22:59 the creation shows up and one of because 23:03 because I'm pro I'm not really a 23:06 theologian or anything I like those 23:08 action books the book of Acts is full of 23:13 all of these things and I was shocked to 23:16 note how often the creation is discussed 23:19 there it's very very interesting where 23:23 it shows up and you know when you can 23:26 I'm sorry I was just gonna say if you 23:28 consider the book of Romans and the 23:30 whole idea of the fall and the first 23:33 Adam and I mean the whole plan of 23:35 salvation is built around this story of 23:38 creation yes 23:40 I mean Romans is filled with the idea of 23:42 creation and the book of Acts as tim has 23:46 stated also when paul goes and talks to 23:49 the greek philosophers in on mars hill 23:52 then he refers to creation and that's 23:55 the one of the basic parts of his 23:57 argument missionaries actually find it 24:00 useful when they're going to traditional 24:02 cultures to start with the story of 24:04 creation as part of sharing the gospel 24:07 because it's it's so foundational that 24:10 god created the world the world went 24:13 wrong God restores the world in the 24:15 gospel if you don't have the basis in 24:17 creation in the fall you don't have a 24:19 reason for the redemption that's found 24:22 in Christ so it's all interlinked 24:24 together these ideas of creation and 24:26 scripture and sharing with them it's one 24:29 of those things is really very 24:31 impressive about the Scriptures the way 24:34 these these books had many different 24:37 authors but the same inspiration and 24:39 everything into links in a very clear 24:42 and logical way there isn't a different 24:45 gospel in the Old Testament than there 24:47 is we've always been saved by grace 24:51 through faith 24:52 exactly well dr. Shepherd I want to 24:54 thank you so much for joining us it's 24:58 been a real pleasure to see you again 25:04 give your sweetheart a hug from me thank 25:09 you very much god bless you know when we 25:12 were talking there about the book of 25:14 Acts and Paul on Mars Hill or sometimes 25:17 it's called the areopagus there in 25:20 Athens it reminds me of a time when I 25:22 was with a friend and we were walking 25:25 through Athens and climbed up the hill 25:28 towards the Acropolis there and we saw 25:30 this big plate bronze plate and we 25:35 started reading it it was in Greek and 25:37 lo and behold it 25:39 the story it was the the story that's 25:43 laid out there the sermon that was given 25:45 by Paul it was so impressive and right 25:49 there and that it was probably a time 25:52 when I was so profoundly struck by the 25:54 fact that he actually starts off his 25:57 sermon with all of these philosophers 25:59 with hey I'm gonna introduce you to the 26:01 unknown God you know who he is this is 26:05 the creator god yes and then he builds 26:08 everything else off that it's quite an 26:10 impressive impressive thing yeah again I 26:15 always go back to the idea that God had 26:18 Christ was the lamb slain before the 26:22 foundation of the world so God has had a 26:25 plan in mind 26:26 he created a perfect creation but in his 26:30 foreknowledge he knew what was going to 26:32 happen and the sacrifice he'd have to 26:34 make and this is heinous this is the 26:37 beautiful story that's the gospel the 26:39 beautiful reality we as Christians have 26:43 to share with the world amen and we hope 26:46 that this series has provided you a 26:49 foundation and an understanding that 26:52 you'll get out and share Jesus today 26:57 [Music] 27:24 you

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