Good Creation and Natural Evil - 180009

Episode 9 October 25, 2020 00:28:45
Good Creation and Natural Evil - 180009
The Creator Revealed
Good Creation and Natural Evil - 180009

Oct 25 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Despite the creation’s elegance and beauty, it is clear that there is something wrong in the world. Where does all the death and suffering marring the creation come from? How does the Bible help us to understand the current state of the creation and the Creator’s solution to the problem?

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Episode Transcript

0:04 [Music] 0:30 welcome to the creator revealed 0:34 I'm Tim Standish and I'm a scientist 0:37 scientists are trained to observe things 0:41 in nature and one of the things that we 0:45 observe is evil you know last time we 0:49 talked about human in relational evil 0:52 but this time we're going to talk about 0:55 evil in nature natural evil and we're so 1:00 glad that you have joined us because you 1:02 know this is such an informative series 1:05 and we're glad that you're enjoying it 1:06 you know before we actually go on I do 1:10 want to point out that what we call evil 1:13 is really something that is subject to 1:17 definition and we shouldn't be 1:20 distracted by the evil from all of that 1:24 is wonderful out there in nature as well 1:26 from the biblical perspective we do 1:29 acknowledge evil but we also recognize 1:33 the good and we believe that the good 1:37 was created by God at the very beginning 1:41 Moses wrote about this creation in this 1:45 way 1:45 in Genesis 1:31 he said then God saw 1:49 everything that he had made and indeed 1:51 it was very good 1:53 arrey so that evening in the morning 1:55 with a sixth day 1:57 so now they're going to go on into the 1:59 Sabbath and and rest and spend that time 2:03 together with God I can't imagine how 2:06 beautiful the creation was and yet we 2:11 see things today that are the result of 2:14 sin those sin is evil and the results of 2:18 sin are evil consequences death 2:22 suffering tears pain so God cursed the 2:27 earth because of the fall because of the 2:29 evil yes oh and and human beings chose 2:35 the evil over the good it's it seems 2:38 incredible in retrospect that that would 2:41 happen and and 2:43 yet I know that I've made that same 2:45 decision myself on occasion but and you 2:48 know when you think about deception 2:50 sometimes people don't realize that what 2:53 the devil hands us can be in a shiny 2:57 foil package with a beautiful bow and 2:59 it's nothing more than gift-wrapped 3:02 garbage unfortunately that's the case of 3:05 and yet we go for it on occasion and in 3:08 fact I think we're going to talk right 3:10 now about some gift-wrap garbage okay 3:13 that's kind of harsh 3:14 I believe that Charles Darwin was a very 3:17 brilliant man and that he understood the 3:20 implications of what he was saying and 3:21 that's one of the things that we are 3:23 contemplating now because he he remember 3:25 he had this alternative materialistic 3:28 conception of reality and he wrote this 3:30 he said from the war of nature from 3:34 famine and death the most exalted object 3:38 which we are capable of conceiving 3:40 namely the production of the higher 3:42 animals directly follows Wow well so 3:49 what what Darwin is saying is that thing 3:51 that we all know in our hearts is awful 3:55 death suffering war those sorts of 3:58 things that that is what produced the 4:01 beautiful things yeah whereas the 4:05 biblical view the the reality that's 4:08 actually out there is that God created 4:11 all of that beauty all of that Wonder 4:14 and the death the suffering that evil is 4:18 an imposition on God's originally very 4:21 good creation so these are very very 4:24 different views of things why would a 4:27 Darwin us to consider war and death to 4:30 be bad it's it's a good thing it makes 4:32 it makes wonderful things like human 4:34 beings and and eagles and and you know 4:38 all of those things that we kind of 4:40 wonder about but a convoluted way of 4:42 thinking well but you say that because 4:46 you're coming at it from a biblical 4:48 perspective yes but from a Darwinian 4:51 perspective you could not 4:54 say that it's the only logical thing 4:57 from a Darwinian perspective I mean you 4:59 just look at the pictures of what's 5:01 going on in Syria for example how can 5:03 anyone say war is good how can anyone 5:06 say something is resulting that's good 5:08 from that when you see all the 5:10 destruction in suffering God has built 5:13 into us that fundamental understanding 5:16 it is evil and evil is a bad thing it 5:20 doesn't produce good things in fact the 5:24 Bible again this is Paul writing in the 5:26 New Testament he says the last enemy to 5:29 be destroyed is death death is not our 5:31 friend 5:32 death is not how creator or part of the 5:36 process of creating us death is the 5:39 enemy and Jesus Christ our creator of 5:43 course overcame death now I want to 5:45 address one of the arguments is commonly 5:47 put forward about the creation when we 5:52 look at it remember this is what 5:53 scientists do we look at things and as I 5:55 said you know I look at nature and I see 5:57 evil things I see things that break for 6:01 example and there is this argument out 6:05 there that because nature breaks doesn't 6:08 work the way we think it should do that 6:11 somehow other that is evidence that it 6:13 isn't created hmm however that is a 6:16 flawed logic this is a picture here that 6:19 I'm showing of a Ford Pinto this um no 6:23 it wasn't mine now Ford pintos they 6:31 frankly were terrible cars I think 6:33 anybody who's had an encounter with a 6:34 Ford Pinto though there's probably there 6:36 probably a few Ford Pinto fans out there 6:38 I'm sorry 6:39 but that they they're just terrible 6:42 vehicles and but nobody doubts that they 6:46 were designed and they were designed for 6:48 a purpose that's that so even bad design 6:54 is still designed it still requires a 6:56 mind the question really is is the 6:59 designer good or is the designer evil is 7:04 God good when we see these broken 7:07 business 7:08 so let's take let's just take a look at 7:10 some of these things this is this is my 7:13 beautiful dog Jack and you can see he 7:15 was so intelligent so full of love 7:17 what Jack's doing here is he's actually 7:19 climbing into my suitcase no is she 7:22 packing packing he wanted to come home 7:25 with me and only less than a year ago I 7:29 held Jack in my arms while he died and 7:33 that was an awful awful experience in 7:38 fact just talking about it now it kind 7:39 of it makes me it makes me profoundly 7:42 sad what a wonderful lovely creature 7:45 how can it be that our bodies grow old 7:48 and and we die how can that happen well 7:52 you know the wages of sin and death we 7:54 know this so you know the Bible doesn't 7:59 ignore this suffering and pain that 8:01 we're in fact in Romans Paul also wrote 8:05 this he said we know that the whole 8:07 creation has been groaning as in the 8:10 pains of childbirth right up to the 8:12 present time not only so but we 8:14 ourselves who have the firstfruits of 8:18 the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait 8:20 eagerly for our adoption as sons the 8:24 redemption of our bodies you see the 8:27 Bible provides hope the same God who 8:30 created us our Creator is our Redeemer 8:35 and he adopts us even though we rejected 8:39 him it's an amazing because it's such 8:42 incredibly good news it's rooted in our 8:46 thinking about the creation and of 8:49 course Paul also wrote this through one 8:51 man sin entered the world and death 8:53 through sin and thus death spread to all 8:56 men because all sinned this is in Romans 8:59 five he actually says the same thing 9:00 over and over again so that we get it 9:01 right we can't we can't misunderstand 9:04 here 9:04 death is a result of sin okay 9:08 and it's and we can say okay that's a 9:10 natural result you know we separated 9:12 ourself from life I mean you know I I 9:14 just want to say this in case there's 9:15 somebody's watching who thinks well my 9:18 two-year-old just died he didn't sin 9:19 talking about the the direct correlation 9:22 of what you did 9:24 I mean maybe for the second death yes 9:26 but just that when sin entered the world 9:29 everything started decaying it is going 9:32 to be recreated that's right and that's 9:34 one of the reasons that death is so 9:37 awful is because it's so unjust yes the 9:39 righteous die and the sinners die 9:42 everybody dies I mean you know this is 9:44 we know this is not the way it should be 9:46 but there's another kind of evil out 9:48 there and I'm illustrating it with this 9:51 Viper here it's it's a rattlesnake 9:53 obviously and when we look at them when 9:56 we look at their system of envenomations 9:58 it looks like it's designed how do we 10:01 how do we account for that as Christians 10:04 and the truth is we don't know we don't 10:09 know how that system that has only one 10:13 purpose and it is to kill how did that 10:16 come into being the problem is that we 10:21 have too many possible explanations yes 10:24 some people say the devil did it some 10:27 people say it's just sort of some kind 10:29 of natural consequence of things 10:30 breaking down some people even say God 10:33 did it you know God somehow or other 10:35 when he cursed the earth and certainly 10:38 he specifically cursed snakes maybe 10:41 maybe that was it we don't know it's a 10:45 mystery it is a mystery but what we do 10:48 know is that there is still an awful lot 10:50 of beauty and and goodness that is 10:53 evident in the creation and oh we also 10:57 know by the way that snakes and all not 10:59 alone I like tarantulas yeah it kind of 11:02 like slowly thinks but they did they do 11:05 have venom and they can inject it into 11:07 you so you'd have to you know don't you 11:09 don't go and pick up every tarantula out 11:11 there as I'm doing in this in this 11:13 photograph but just understand hey you 11:15 know there are there's lots of this that 11:18 we see out there but here is what the 11:21 Bible tells us this is Paul again he's 11:23 writing to Timothy my namesake and he 11:26 says here is a trustworthy saying that 11:28 deserves full acceptance Christ Jesus 11:32 came into the world to save sinners of 11:34 whom I am the worst I could say the same 11:37 thing about myself as well yes and 11:40 that's really what the Bible brings to 11:43 us the promise of a solution to this 11:46 problem it recognizes the problem and 11:48 provides a solution and what the 11:51 solution is is the new creation and we 11:54 have this wonderful view of the new 11:56 creation in Isaiah the Book of Isaiah 11:58 which talks a lot about creation by the 12:00 way here 12:02 he writes the infant will play near the 12:05 Cobras den the young child will put its 12:08 hand into the Vipers nest 12:10 why because there will be no death no 12:13 suffering that's all going to be 12:15 eliminated in God's new creation amen 12:19 I I'm just I'm just struck by the hope 12:24 that the Bible gives it it's not a book 12:28 of sort of idealism or made-up stories 12:34 it is a book about reality the real 12:37 things that are going on in the world 12:39 that we observe all around us but it is 12:42 also a book about the reality that is 12:46 coming it tells us what the solution to 12:49 what we know is wrong is so what does 12:54 this natural evil tell us about the 12:57 Creator well there are a couple of 12:59 things that are important points that we 13:00 can pull out of this first his selfless 13:04 sacrifice to overcome the impact of sin 13:08 on his creation it the evil makes that 13:12 whole the more meaningful he suffered as 13:14 we do and it also tells us about his 13:17 original plan for his creation remember 13:20 he had a plan of salvation that again 13:23 reveals his selflessness 13:25 so the created things made evil by sin 13:28 reveal the creator's selflessness you 13:32 know that always blows my mind when I 13:34 think about the fact that he knew before 13:37 he created us with his foreknowledge 13:40 things were gonna go south and 13:42 yet he planned before even created us to 13:47 come down here become a man and save us 13:51 that's amazing what we are going to take 13:55 just a moment's break and come back with 13:57 a very interesting guest so please stay 14:00 tuned 14:03 [Music] 14:09 welcome back to the Creator revealed 14:11 today we've been talking about natural 14:15 evil and we're going to plumb the depths 14:17 of that just a little more special guest 14:20 it's a pretty deep topic the guest that 14:24 we're going to speak with is dr. Ronnie 14:25 narleen dr. narleen is my colleague in 14:29 fact his office is right next to mine at 14:31 the Geoscience Research Institute his 14:33 PhD is in geology but he has done a lot 14:37 of thinking about what we call a problem 14:41 of evil because as you know at the 14:44 Geoscience Research Institute we are 14:46 interested in this relationship between 14:49 science and faith so I'm delighted to 14:54 have dr. Darlene here with us and I 14:57 would I want to start out by actually 14:59 asking a question that that bothers me 15:03 and I'm guessing most other people which 15:06 is okay we know that according to the 15:10 Bible death and suffering entered the 15:13 world because of man's sin but just 15:16 because Adam sinned why why should 15:20 animals suffer you know why I talked 15:23 about my dog why did my dog have to die 15:25 because Adam chose to sin okay that's a 15:31 good question team and it's a question 15:34 that I think goes even beyond the rearm 15:37 of the animals or other living beings it 15:41 seems that there are unbalances in the 15:43 earth as a whole we experience events 15:46 that are very troublesome because they 15:49 can bring that we could say that the 15:52 whole system here on earth 15:54 mmm brings pain and and there are events 15:58 that are very hazardous so it even goes 16:01 beyond sickness or disease it is a 16:03 dangerous world why is it that our world 16:06 should become dangerous because of our 16:09 mistakes and I think my way of reading 16:13 this is to see the system as an 16:16 integrated system there is there are 16:19 many different components that are 16:20 linked together 16:22 and we are part of this system in fact 16:25 in Genesis where it is said that we were 16:28 given dominion over this system Dominion 16:32 means that we have a very intense 16:34 relationship with the rest of the 16:36 creation so by our own choices we can 16:39 affect the rest of the creation which is 16:41 quite a humbling thought if you think 16:43 about it think that you your choices can 16:49 have an effect on what occurs in the 16:52 world around us and I think this is 16:53 still true you know in in my in my area 16:58 of study which is in biology certainly 17:01 this is something that we spend a lot of 17:02 time thinking about the the impact that 17:07 human beings have directly on the rest 17:09 of the creation is something that we do 17:11 have at least some limited control over 17:12 and so when you referred to it being a 17:18 dangerous world you're a geologist so 17:20 what would be some examples of the of 17:22 the danger out there I'm thinking of 17:23 earthquakes but yeah I mean the the 17:29 classic ones are earthquakes volcanic 17:31 activity and obviously also climate 17:34 related events so hurricanes or 17:38 floodings broadenings are actually one 17:41 of the most dangers so one could say at 17:45 this scale how can human decision impact 17:49 this kind of events and I would agree 17:52 with those who are a little skeptical 17:54 there are some aspects with where we do 17:58 have incredible effects for example 18:01 flooding can be the result of this 18:05 management of water resources but when 18:09 it comes to earthquakes for example well 18:11 there are some earthquakes that can be 18:13 generated by activities of humans 18:18 there's some link that has been 18:20 established with fracking and some 18:23 earthquakes but in general earthquakes 18:27 are related to the motion of plate so 18:30 it's not like we can move the crust of 18:33 the earth or have an effect at that 18:35 scale so 18:36 the discussion that becomes at a greater 18:38 level we start to think why is it that 18:42 God allows for these things to occur why 18:46 one of them acts of God when they happen 18:50 yeah it means that in some ways God 18:54 warrants the possibility for the system 18:58 to be in this way and so I do believe 19:01 that we find also in the Bible some some 19:05 facts that point in that direction by 19:07 saying for example that the Sun rises on 19:10 the evil and the good or that God sends 19:13 rain on the righteous and the righteous 19:15 what does that mean it means that God 19:17 maintains the integrity of the sinful 19:19 world so these things can happen and God 19:23 in the innocence allows them to happen 19:26 not that it is the source of them 19:28 necessarily but why would he allow for a 19:31 space to exist where these things can 19:33 happen and this for me can only be 19:35 explained if we put it in the context of 19:39 this great cosmic conflict between good 19:41 and evil where God has to allow or seen 19:46 to express itself sin has to be 19:49 expressed in its in a physical space if 19:52 there is no physical space if there's no 19:54 possibility for humans to bring their 19:58 choices to the conclusions or the 20:00 consequences of their choices then you 20:02 wouldn't see the meaning of what scene 20:05 it's in the very end so so what you're 20:09 saying basically is if we didn't see the 20:14 natural consequences of sin actually 20:16 play themselves out why would we believe 20:18 it was bad why would it be evil we you 20:22 know if sin had absolutely no 20:24 consequences and we still have these 20:27 difficulties in our everyday life it's 20:30 hard to understand what is good and what 20:33 is evil it's very hard you know one of 20:36 one of the things that I really struggle 20:38 with is this is this business of you 20:41 know blessings falling on the good and 20:43 on the evil but also that the 20:47 consequences of 20:48 evil falling on the good people as well 20:51 because it's it's so intrinsic to our 20:56 nature to say that is unjust those those 20:59 who are righteous should not have to 21:02 suffer but that is the nature of evil 21:06 yeah yeah I think that is also one of 21:11 the reason why I 21:12 I love the biblical narrative why 21:16 because the Bible is trying to tell us 21:18 God does not look and that's not like 21:22 evil God is for good and so what we 21:25 experienced today is an anomaly so the 21:28 biblical narrative is not a narrative of 21:30 progressive growth and you know finding 21:35 the way through the hardness of life and 21:38 think God started things this way 21:40 because it was the only possible way so 21:43 evil was a mean towards a good end so 21:47 evil becomes the instrument that God 21:50 uses to bring about new possibilities 21:53 and ultimately goodness that's not the 21:55 biblical story the biblical story starts 21:58 with something very good and then all so 22:02 for me the concept of a fall from a good 22:05 creation is very crucial because then I 22:08 can decide on God's side and say yes 22:11 indeed what I am seeing today what I am 22:14 experiencing today is not part of God's 22:16 original plan is not how he designed the 22:19 creation is not the way in which he 22:21 wants us to leave you know when I think 22:24 about it the way I think about it Ronnie 22:26 is that when God created everything it 22:29 was very good and he wanted to when he 22:33 gave dominion to mankind it was to be 22:36 exercised in covenant 'el love so when 22:40 the fall happened it wasn't just a moral 22:43 fall it was a governmental fall because 22:46 he passed it over to whom it was like a 22:50 coup d'etat the keys basically to Satan 22:53 so that's the ruler of the air the you 22:58 know what else Ronnie that what you were 23:00 saying really brought to mind 23:02 our discussion in another episode of 23:04 theistic evolution where people are 23:06 saying hey this this suffering this 23:10 death this struggle that is the plan and 23:16 it's it's interesting how the Bible sort 23:19 of points in precisely the opposite 23:22 direction 23:23 it's the contrary when it comes to that 23:25 yeah some some critics say well you 23:28 still have to explain why God allows 23:31 world is evil to exist after the or 23:34 kidneys shorten days or couldn t 23:36 intervene to mitigate some of these 23:38 consequences so still there is an 23:40 argument there but what I think is the 23:43 crucial difference is that it is not the 23:47 way that God has designed for the 23:50 creation to be that's the key difference 23:52 God has not decided to make the warm in 23:56 this way the model that we adopt is a 23:59 model where that is not part of picture 24:02 well in addition later in addition to 24:05 that what what I love about it is that 24:08 the plan of salvation was also in place 24:11 at the foundation of the world that that 24:14 was there so God doesn't prevent us from 24:17 doing evil so that then we don't have 24:19 freedom of choice god provides that 24:23 freedom of choice we exercise it but God 24:26 has chosen to redeem us anyway he has a 24:30 plan yes in time didn't exist before he 24:33 created the earth and when we think 24:35 about it the Bible says that a day is 24:37 like a thousand years or a thousand 24:39 years is like a day to the Lord so it 24:42 may seem long for us but to God it's 24:46 just kind of it's a very short time but 24:49 we have to see it work out so that we 24:53 know name 24:55 what is it name 1:9 says that evil will 24:59 never rise again by the time we see what 25:01 the consequences of evil are we've done 25:04 the experiment we've done the expressly 25:05 the outcome there is this concept of 25:09 conflict that is very important for me 25:12 this concept of resistance so 25:16 a battle and it's important because we 25:19 can choose to be on God's side and I 25:21 feel he is on our side is not on the 25:24 against us is not going after as is not 25:27 punishing us is active in the creation 25:30 for good and you know what I like about 25:32 this concept that it has very practical 25:34 implications today even in a fallen 25:38 world we can choose when it comes to 25:40 natural evil which side we want to be on 25:44 in fact even a geologist can work to 25:47 mitigate hazards hazards natural hazards 25:50 are not random they are not mysterious 25:53 they occur these things occur for very 25:56 specific reasons in very specific places 25:58 we can study them we can try to 26:01 understand them better 26:02 and in so doing I think we are siding 26:05 with God and trying to be them 26:08 instruments the hands that bring about 26:10 some goodness into this fallen world and 26:13 certainly siding with God is the way 26:15 that we want to go I want to thank you 26:17 so much for joining us dr. narleen and 26:21 well you know the interesting thing to 26:24 me is even with all of this evil that we 26:28 do see in the world even with all of 26:31 that there is hope that the Bible gives 26:36 we are not alone we're not without hope 26:39 we have this plan of salvation yes evil 26:45 exists now but yes we have a firm hope 26:48 in what God will do in the future 26:52 amen and God's going to create a new 26:55 heaven and a new earth where there'll be 26:56 no more pain or sorrow join us next time 27:01 [Music] 27:23 you

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