Design in Other Animals - 180004

Episode 4 September 20, 2020 00:28:45
Design in Other Animals - 180004
The Creator Revealed
Design in Other Animals - 180004

Sep 20 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Are other creatures fundamentally different from humans? The surprising answer is both “Yes” and “No”. Why does the biblical account of creation lead us to believe that there should be profound similarities between humans and other living things? What makes us different? How does the Bible define the relationship between humans and other creatures?

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Episode Transcript

0:04 [Music] 0:31 welcome to the creator revealed my 0:35 name's Tim Standish and I'm a scientist 0:38 because I am a scientist I believe in 0:43 the created God of the Bible amen and 0:46 amen 0:47 I'm Shelly Quinn and we want to welcome 0:50 you to this program in the first segment 0:54 you're going to get a little scientific 0:56 and nugget something that will reveal 1:00 the Creator as Paul said in Romans 1:20 1:03 that God's invisible attributes even his 1:07 eternal power and Godhead are seen in 1:09 the things that he created and what are 1:11 we going to talk about oh the second 1:14 segment is kind of a Bible or life 1:17 application so what are we talking about 1:19 today we are talking about humans and 1:22 other animals okay and before we get 1:26 into the science I want to draw your 1:28 attention to the way in which the Bible 1:33 prepares our minds to think about both 1:37 ourselves and other creatures so let's 1:41 let's get back into that creation 1:43 account in Genesis where we've gone from 1:46 Genesis 1 to Genesis 2 so Moses has told 1:51 us up to this point about the days of 1:54 creation and now he goes back and he 1:57 fills in some details in Genesis chapter 2:00 2 so here he's talking about how God 2:03 created human beings and he he writes 2:07 and the Lord God formed man of the dust 2:12 of the ground I want you to notice that 2:15 the ground writes what human beings 2:18 that's what he made us out of and 2:20 breathed into his nostrils the breath of 2:24 life and man became a living being so 2:29 human beings were formed by God I love 2:33 that idea of God forming us got 2:36 personality yes out of the ground out of 2:38 the clay and then God breathed 2:42 breath of life into Adam and he becomes 2:46 this living being it's it's a little bit 2:50 hard for us to understand because we've 2:51 never seen anything like that this is 2:53 this is not science in the usual sense 2:57 it's not not the kind of thing we can do 2:59 experiments on yes it's the kind of 3:02 thing that ultimately we believe by 3:05 faith but it's also something that makes 3:08 an awful lot of sense because when we 3:10 look at human beings what our bodies are 3:13 made out of the elements here the 3:15 elements of the earth right we're not 3:17 made out of magic pixie dust like that 3:20 we we are the same stuff that the rest 3:25 of the creation is made out of but we 3:28 have a different form we're not an oak 3:30 tree we're not a mountain we're a human 3:33 being now it goes on in the same in the 3:40 same book they are the same chapter 3:42 actually God goes on and he says 3:45 something about or Moses tells us 3:48 something about the animals so he says 3:51 out of the ground the Lord God formed 3:54 every beast of the field and every bird 3:58 of the air and brought them to Adam so 4:01 you can see here that the animals are 4:03 made out of the same stuff that we're 4:06 made out of it shouldn't be surprising 4:08 to discover that perhaps there are some 4:11 similarities there yes we had some DNA 4:14 that would be duplicated if you will oh 4:18 yes you know the same God yes same 4:22 material there's going to be some 4:25 similarities there just as just as we 4:27 would expect with a designer if a car 4:31 was designed by the same engineer two 4:34 different cars we would probably expect 4:36 some similarities between those we're 4:40 creations so are the animals same God 4:43 same material and then I'm going to jump 4:46 all the way down to the story of the 4:49 flood and there's an important detail 4:51 that comes out in there so here the 4:54 animals 4:55 they're coming onto the ark and it says 4:59 this about them and they went into the 5:01 ark to Noah to buy two of all flesh in 5:06 which is the breath of life so there you 5:12 have it the animals are made out of the 5:15 ground just as we are formed out of the 5:18 ground by God and just as we have the 5:21 breath of life the animals also have the 5:24 breath of life in them you know why 5:26 that's not hard for me to accept by 5:28 faith because here we can put a man on 5:31 the moon we've got the shuttles and 5:32 everything all of the advances that 5:35 we've made no one has been able to 5:37 duplicate taking elements in bringing in 5:41 that spark of life that ignites life 5:44 exactly sometimes we would get excited 5:47 they say well what if what if life was 5:48 created in a lab well what would that 5:51 show it would it's very unlikely but if 5:56 it did happen let's just pretend it 5:58 happen would that happen as a result of 6:01 just natural forces and chance right no 6:04 it would be we would recognize whoever 6:07 did that as a genius 6:11 and the organism that was produced as a 6:15 product of genius just as we as 6:19 Christians recognize human beings and 6:22 the other animals and in fact the rest 6:24 of the creation as a product of genius 6:26 well let's let's continue on let's let's 6:29 look at this connection between human 6:33 beings and the other animals and I'm 6:35 going to start off here with a human 6:37 femur everybody has one of these unless 6:41 they've had their their legs amputated 6:42 and probably familiar with the 6:46 morphology of them or the shape of them 6:48 but if you cut open a femur there's 6:50 something very interesting inside up 6:52 there at the top where that ball goes 6:54 into the socket of your hip you can see 6:58 something called spongy bone and if you 7:01 look at that spongy bone it's arranged 7:04 in an interesting way 7:06 what you see 7:08 the direction that's right the direction 7:11 in which the bone is oriented is the 7:14 direction in which the force is exerted 7:18 on the femur and you see this with other 7:21 spongy bone as well what this does is it 7:24 makes our our bones a little bit lighter 7:28 and a whole lot stronger so great 7:31 engineering feet they're really great 7:34 engineering I look at this and I think 7:38 about those buttresses that you see on 7:42 gothic churches the buttresses coming 7:45 out they're also carrying lines of force 7:47 down to the ground so that those they're 7:52 actually quite strong structures but 7:55 they're using less material than older 7:58 kinds of construction methods allowed so 8:02 there's an engineering principle that 8:04 translates over over there it's it's 8:06 it's kind of fun this kind of bone you 8:11 find in human beings and you also find 8:15 it in other creatures so you can see 8:17 that yeah yes there are human beings on 8:20 the back of this elephant and the 8:23 elephant has bones that when we cut them 8:27 open they have a similar kind of 8:29 structure to our own on the other hand 8:32 if we look at birds they have very 8:35 specialized needs their bones need to be 8:37 as light as possible and as strong as 8:41 possible in addition to that there are 8:43 some spaces in there to keep them keep 8:46 things light to lighten them so if we 8:49 look inside a bird's bone we see this 8:52 and it does look a little bit like a 8:55 honeycomb doesn't it it's these spas 9:00 basically inside the bones really make 9:03 them very strong and yet very very light 9:07 so they they're they're different but 9:09 they're different for a reason because 9:12 of the demands of flight that's what's 9:15 going on so so they were engineered in 9:18 their design for the purpose for the 9:20 specific purpose 9:21 that they serve so what we're seeing 9:23 here is there are similarities which 9:27 indicate a single designer a single 9:30 origin but also differences to suit the 9:35 purposes to which these are being put 9:39 which indicates in thought about each 9:42 individual kind of animal let's look at 9:46 one other thing that has to do with the 9:49 with the arrangement of skeletons this 9:52 is a tortoise and if you look inside a 9:54 tortoise you can see that it's skeleton 9:57 here has has a has an amazing different 10:01 arrangement of things the clavicle is 10:04 inside the rib so this is this is it's 10:07 it's this bone here on your back imagine 10:09 what it took to move that inside that's 10:11 a whole re-engineering of things so 10:15 while we have the same general design we 10:20 have a back bone and ribs and things 10:22 like that 10:23 tortoises and turtles have this 10:27 incredible re-engineering or different 10:30 engineering things for a specific 10:32 purpose that they need and when you look 10:35 at all the other organisms that are out 10:38 there we've just been looking at 10:39 vertebrates 10:39 but the invertebrates are so diverse the 10:42 snails the the insects the sea urchins 10:48 are they they all have similarities 10:52 which point to a single designer and yet 10:57 spectacular differences or here's a 10:59 jellyfish you could go on and on and on 11:02 about these profound similarities and 11:05 profound differences you don't see 11:08 between when you look at even like all 11:11 the different kinds of birds my 11:13 husband's a birder and it is so amazing 11:16 to see the diversity within a single 11:18 species but then you start considering 11:21 everything that God has created 11:23 he loves diversity he loves diversity 11:26 and he's very good at it he's not doing 11:29 he doesn't make things different just 11:32 for the sake of making something 11:33 different he is making different 11:35 things that are profoundly beautiful 11:38 okay but when you say if animals and 11:42 people are made of the same substance we 11:45 all have the breath of life what is the 11:48 difference between animals and people 11:50 there's a profound profound difference 11:53 and it has to do with relationships 11:58 relationships so I have a pet dog her 12:02 name is Jill there are obvious 12:05 differences between my dog and my 12:07 daughter yeah but I have a different 12:12 kind of relationship with my daughter 12:13 than I have with my dog but we have a 12:17 relationship really I love my dog 12:20 yes and she loves me I know that when I 12:24 go home from making these programs I am 12:27 going to get a loud and joyous welcome 12:30 from her you see God made human beings 12:36 to fit a specific purpose in his 12:40 creation 12:41 it's actually written about in Genesis 1 12:44 it's laid out there right at the very 12:45 beginning this is this is what God said 12:48 this isn't Moses this is God Moses well 12:51 then God said let us make man in our 12:55 image according to our likeness let them 12:59 have dominion over the fish of the sea 13:01 over the birds of the air and over the 13:04 cattle over all the earth and over every 13:07 creeping thing that creeps on the earth 13:10 so God made us like him he formed us in 13:16 some profound way to be like him and he 13:21 gave us a relationship both with him and 13:24 with the rest of creation yes so he and 13:28 he created us to dominate that was the 13:30 purpose is we were to let in a loving 13:34 way like him oversee everything that 13:38 happened over we're in charge which 13:40 means we're responsible - yes and that's 13:44 a very big deal we're not - lord 13:48 over the rest of creation we are to 13:50 treasure it so what does this reveal to 13:54 us about the Creator 13:56 well his love of diversity is 13:59 demonstrated in the variety of other 14:02 organisms so many different things and 14:05 his love of diversity is evident in the 14:08 in the rest of creation it's not it's 14:10 not just the animals it's everything he 14:12 loves diversity God made diverse 14:15 organisms to have a relationship with us 14:18 just as we have a relationship with him 14:22 so by looking at this we see God's love 14:25 of diversity yes and you know it is so 14:29 exciting that God loved us so much even 14:32 to make animals that we with whom we 14:36 could relate and have these special 14:40 creatures in our life well we hope that 14:42 you'll stay tuned we'll be back in just 14:45 60 seconds welcome back to the creative 14:55 reveals we've been talking today about 14:58 our wonderful Creator and all the 15:01 beautiful creatures that he formed from 15:03 the dust of the ground for our enjoyment 15:06 exactly you know the diversity of life 15:09 is truly amazing yes and anyone who 15:14 isn't just just blown away not just by 15:16 the the diversity but the beauty of 15:18 what's there I don't know it seems to me 15:20 that they've lost their soul in a way 15:23 but there is this question that we have 15:27 in our minds as Christians I think all 15:29 people and that is how do we relate to 15:33 these other creatures what does the 15:35 Bible tell us about that and to assist 15:38 us with that we have dr. Joanne Davidson 15:42 she is a professor of systematic 15:44 theology at the seventh-day Adventist 15:47 Theological Seminary at Andrews 15:49 University and I'm delighted that she is 15:52 joining us this to discuss this really 15:56 important topic so dr. Davidson one of 16:01 the argue 16:01 I've heard is God made human beings to 16:06 have dominion over the rest of the 16:08 creation over the other animals and so 16:10 on so we really don't have any 16:14 responsibility to be caring for these 16:19 creatures it is just you know the earth 16:23 is ours to do with what we want and I'm 16:27 wondering is that really a biblical 16:28 position or not you know that a lot of 16:32 people have that position but they 16:34 haven't learned to read the text 16:35 carefully if you look at Genesis 1 and 16:39 God gives a definition of rulership even 16:42 before he creates humans and animals on 16:44 day 4 he says the Sun is to rule the day 16:46 and he put it in place so it can 16:49 conserve life and bring forth life from 16:52 the ground and so when God asks us to 16:54 rule he's he's wanting us to display the 16:57 same benevolence that the Sun does and 16:59 he also I think it's tragic that the 17:04 though people believe that God is the 17:06 creator the ideas of evolution have 17:09 subtly affected their thinking often 17:11 without them realizing it perhaps and we 17:14 just think that animals are just a 17:15 little lower than we are and we finally 17:17 advanced to a higher stage and we're 17:20 really of more value and more Worth and 17:22 that's not right either that's not right 17:24 either the creation story is so 17:26 beautiful because the first three days 17:28 God creates habitats and then the last 17:32 three days he fills each of those 17:33 habitats in turn with the creatures that 17:35 live there and then he he gives both 17:39 humans and animals a plant-based violent 17:43 free diet and then he finished his day 17:45 six rubbing his head you could almost 17:46 see him rubbing his hands together thing 17:47 odd is is very good and he he gives 17:50 animals and humans the same diet and on 17:55 day five interestingly he talks to the 17:57 animals it says in Genesis 122 22 God 18:01 created all the great sea creatures of 18:03 the sea in the air and then it says and 18:05 God blessed them saying be fruitful and 18:09 multiply well who was God talking to 18:12 there was no humans around to 18:14 listen and he gives the same blessing 18:16 only a day later to humans and he puts 18:19 them in a in a world filled with new 18:21 life and and tells them to be fruitful 18:25 and multiply the same blessing he'd 18:26 given to date by and and if you go to 18:29 the Book of Psalms over and over again 18:33 dozens of times the psalmist praise God 18:35 for the works of his hands the works of 18:38 your hands are the works of his hands 18:40 referring back to that passage you 18:42 referred to to him about God creating 18:44 the creatures from the dust of the 18:45 ground the works of his hands and he any 18:48 any it's so excited about it and praises 18:51 God it just draws worth praise over and 18:54 over again the works of God's hands in 18:56 fact there's one choir in Psalm 148 that 19:00 speaks of humans praising God but before 19:03 it mentions humans praising God talks 19:05 about the animals praising God and 19:07 praises wenting to the Great Creator 19:09 from all his creatures it's just 19:12 unfortunate that we have such degraded 19:16 hearing that we can't hear all the 19:18 praise that's going to God in fact one 19:19 scientist wrote as we're destroying 19:22 these different species of the earth 19:24 were muting God's praise Newton goes 19:28 that's great that's really kind of a 19:31 poetic but kind of a depressing thought 19:33 when when do you think about yes I I 19:37 wonder myself how is God going to 19:41 respond to us if we are destroying these 19:46 works of art that he's created as a 19:50 scientist I'm taught to think about the 19:52 Moroz in an engineering almost sort of 19:56 sense but also the beauty and yeah this 19:58 praise what what kind of specific 20:02 instructions if any does God give us 20:04 about how we should be treating animals 20:08 for example well you look at the story 20:13 of the flood it's interesting to me that 20:16 when God had to destroy sin because it 20:18 was so corrupt and the word there in the 20:21 original language is the strongest word 20:23 that could be used for violence and evil 20:26 they were corrupted that God had to 20:28 destroy it but he you wanted to make a 20:30 way of escape Eve God never destroys sin 20:33 without making a way of escape in this 20:35 case he had Noah build an ark and then 20:37 he told Noah please bring the animals in 20:40 because I want to spare them too and so 20:42 God as he prepares to rid the earth of 20:46 violence and evil he he has an ark for 20:49 humans and animals to be preserved in 20:51 then after the flood when they come out 20:53 of the ark it's chapter 9 it's very 20:56 interesting God gives a major covenant 21:00 statement there and four times in that 21:03 statement he says I'm making this 21:06 covenant with you and your family and 21:09 all the animals with you in the ark and 21:11 he lists them and mentions them many of 21:13 them by name four times he repeats this 21:15 end of one covenant statement and we 21:18 know we're knowing now is we learning to 21:19 read biblical narratives at any time 21:21 something is repeated it's a key point 21:23 the anxious didn't have underlining and 21:25 italics and and bolding letters to 21:28 emphasize something important so instead 21:30 they would repeat it and in this case 21:32 God four times repeats it he has a 21:34 covenant with all the creatures he's 21:37 made humans and animals 21:38 later when God gives the Ten 21:45 Commandments the fourth commandment his 21:47 Sabbath blessing and he includes the 21:49 animals even in the Sabbath blessing if 21:51 they deserve to they deserve to rest and 21:53 the Old Testament laws the Mosaic lost 21:56 marvelous how God says I loved some of 21:58 them I'll repeat one that one of my 22:01 favorite God says if you see a donkey 22:03 over loaded with a heavy load and he 22:05 falls down you need to help that donkey 22:07 back to its feet even though that donkey 22:09 belongs to your enemy yeah III guess I 22:13 the the text that jumps to my mind is 22:16 the one that says that you shouldn't 22:17 muzzle the ox that treads the corn these 22:22 these animals are worthy of that their 22:30 wages allowed to enjoy the harvest that 22:35 they're reaping yes 22:38 Sibley working for humans but they're 22:40 part of the team and they deserve to 22:42 enjoy the harvest too so if we if we 22:45 sort of say well these animals as are of 22:48 such great value and they're very much 22:52 like us then what does that what does 22:56 that do to human beings oh because does 22:59 it does it degrade us to say hey you 23:02 know we're not as special perhaps as we 23:06 thought we were or how does how are we 23:10 supposed to think about that well you 23:13 know that's the idea of hierarchy 23:15 thinking that the people up higher are 23:16 more important but God has a different 23:18 system I think he he has gives us the 23:22 privilege of caring for his creation and 23:25 the animals depend on us for that and we 23:29 should be caring for the creation just 23:31 like God Himself doesn't say it's very 23:32 very good instead of thinking that 23:35 because we are supposedly have more 23:38 intelligence that we are above them and 23:42 don't have to care for them but you know 23:44 this thing of intelligence is really is 23:45 really significant to me because 23:47 scientists of which you are a noble one 23:49 dr. Tim it's coming out with many many 23:52 books now about the intelligence of 23:54 animals and like the last one I read I 23:56 love the title it said the wise guys of 23:59 the avian world Ravens and crows and it 24:02 talks there about how they scientists 24:04 used to think that monkeys were closest 24:06 to humans and intelligence but now they 24:08 realize that Ravens are smarter than 24:09 monkeys and the fact that and 24:12 tongue-in-cheek says now when you call 24:15 someone a birdbrain that's a compliment 24:20 but join you will agree we are humans 24:24 are special in a way because we were 24:27 created in the image of God so there's a 24:31 form and a function for everything 24:33 that's right and when we see how God 24:35 cares for the animals and as well as he 24:39 cares for humans that should give us a 24:41 lesson on what how we should care for 24:43 the animals if we're created in the 24:45 image of the Creator we need to have the 24:46 same care and loving concern for them as 24:48 he does 24:49 okay well thank you so much for joining 24:52 us dr. Davidson it's been a privilege to 24:55 hear your thoughts and the way that you 24:58 have bought out these lessons that are 25:00 contained therein God's Word I am 25:03 absolutely convinced that we have a duty 25:08 as Christians to care for the entire 25:12 creation but especially these 25:15 intelligent other beings that inhabit 25:18 the earth with us you know it's so funny 25:21 because you and I were talking I think 25:23 yesterday we were talking about the 25:26 intelligence of animals and pigs oh you 25:29 know like how intelligent a pig is I 25:32 want a pet pig but I have never lived in 25:36 a household where the true bosses of the 25:40 house would allow me to have one you're 25:44 saying your mother and your wife allow 25:46 it sometimes I think they just don't 25:48 understand me but we don't always 25:50 appreciate the intelligence of an animal 25:53 and you know my mother always told me 25:56 don't trust someone that is not good to 26:00 animals exactly that was one of the one 26:02 of the core pieces of advice I gave my 26:04 daughter do not date anybody who is 26:07 cruel to animals because they will be 26:09 cruel to you as well at the same time 26:12 when you see kindness to animals and 26:15 when when we ourselves develop these 26:18 amazing relationships that we can have I 26:22 talked about my dog Jack but I still 26:24 have our other dog Jill you know and the 26:28 joy and the love that we share with each 26:31 other even though we're not the same 26:33 species it is a beautiful thing 26:36 and I suspect it models something about 26:39 the relationship that we ourselves can 26:40 have with God amen 26:42 and I think in in many ways it makes us 26:45 as we are totally dependent upon God 26:48 when you have any creature that's 26:50 totally dependent upon you you can't 26:52 help but love them for some reason so 26:55 it's just an idea a model of how much 26:58 God loves us we hope that you've been 27:01 blessed today 27:02 and you'll join us next time 27:05 [Music]

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